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Търсене за пакети, чиито имена съдържат rollup в всички дистрибуции, всички раздели и всички архитектури. Намерени са 16 пакета.
Точни попадения
Пакет rollup
- aramo (javascript):
ES6 module bundler for JavaScript
2.61.1-5: all - nabia (javascript):
ES6 module bundler for JavaScript
1.12.0-2build3: all
Други резултати
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-alias
- aramo (javascript):
Resolves aliases with Rollup
3.1.9~ds-1: all - nabia (javascript):
Resolves aliases with Rollup
1.5.2-3: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-babel
- aramo (javascript):
Seamless integration between Rollup and Babel
5.2.2+repack-2: all - nabia (javascript):
Seamless integration between Rollup and Babel
3.0.7-1: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-buble
- aramo (javascript):
Rollup plugin to convert ES2015 to more common javascript using buble
0.21.3+repack+~0.19.8-2: all - nabia (javascript):
Rollup plugin to convert ES2015 to more common javascript using buble
0.19.8-2: all - etiona (javascript):
Rollup plugin to convert ES2015 to more common javascript using buble
0.15.0-1: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-commonjs
- aramo (web):
Node.js plugin for rollup to convert CommonJS modules to ES6
21.0.1+repack-1: all - nabia (web):
Node.js plugin for rollup to convert CommonJS modules to ES6
10.0.1+really.9.2.0-10: all - etiona (web):
Node.js plugin for rollup to convert CommonJS modules to ES6
8.3.0-1: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-inject
- aramo (javascript):
Scan modules for global variables and inject import statements
4.0.4~ds1+~3.0.2-1: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-json
- aramo (web):
rollup plugin to convert JSON files to ES6 modules
4.1.0.repack-2: all - nabia (web):
rollup plugin to convert JSON files to ES6 modules
4.0.0-6: all - etiona (web):
rollup plugin to convert JSON files to ES6 modules
2.3.0-2: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-node-polyfills
- aramo (javascript):
node specific features for browsers
0.2.1+dfsg-6: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-node-resolve
- aramo (javascript):
rollup plugin to bundle third-party dependencies
13.0.6+ds-1: all - nabia (javascript):
rollup plugin to bundle third-party dependencies
3.4.0-4: all - etiona (javascript):
rollup plugin to bundle third-party dependencies
3.0.3-1: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-replace
- aramo (web):
Rollup plugin to make string substitutions while bundling
3.0.0+ds+~2.2.0-1: all - nabia (web):
Rollup plugin to make string substitutions while bundling
2.2.0-4: all - etiona (web):
Rollup plugin to make string substitutions while bundling
2.0.0-1: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-sass
- aramo (javascript):
Rollup plugin for .sass files
1.2.6~dfsg-2: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-sourcemaps
- aramo (javascript):
Rollup plugin for grabbing source maps from sourceMappingURLs
0.6.3-6: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-string
- aramo (web):
Nodejs code to convert text files to modules
3.0.0-8: all - nabia (web):
Nodejs code to convert text files to modules
3.0.0-4: all - etiona (web):
Nodejs code to convert text files to modules
2.0.2-2: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-terser
- aramo (javascript):
Rollup plugin to minify generated es bundle
7.0.2+~5.0.1-2: all
Пакет node-rollup-plugin-typescript
- aramo (javascript):
Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript
6.0.0+~1.0.1-4: all - nabia (javascript):
Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript
1.0.0-2: all