特定のスイートに絞って検索: [aramo] [aramo-updates] [aramo-security] [aramo-backports] [nabia] [nabia-updates] [nabia-security] [nabia-backports] [etiona] [etiona-updates] [etiona-security] [etiona-backports]
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python-sphinx を名前に含むパッケージを、すべてのスイート、すべてのセクション、すべてのアーキテクチャで検索しました。 31 個の一致するパッケージが見つかりました。
python-sphinx パッケージ
- etiona (python):
documentation generator for Python projects (implemented in Python 2)
1.6.7-1ubuntu1: all
python-sphinx-argparse パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx extension for argparse commands and options (Python 2)
0.1.15-3: all
python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme パッケージ
- etiona (python):
bootstrap theme for Sphinx
0.4.13-1: all
python-sphinx-click-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
Sphinx plugin to automatically document click-based applications (docs)
3.0.2-1: all - nabia (doc):
Sphinx plugin to automatically document click-based applications (docs)
2.3.1-1: all
python-sphinx-copybutton-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to code blocks (documentation)
0.4.0-3: all - nabia (doc):
sphinx extension to add a "copy" button to code blocks (documentation)
0.2.5-1.1: all
python-sphinx-feature-classification-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
generate a matrix of pluggable drivers and their support to an API - doc
1.1.0-2: all - nabia (doc):
generate a matrix of pluggable drivers and their support to an API - doc
0.3.2-3: all
python-sphinx-gallery パッケージ
- etiona (python):
extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts
0.1.13-1ubuntu1: all
python-sphinx-gallery-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts (Doc)
0.10.1-1: all - nabia (doc):
extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts (Doc)
0.2.0-3ubuntu1: all - etiona (doc):
extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts (Doc)
0.1.13-1ubuntu1: all
python-sphinx-panels-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
documentation for the sphinx-panels Python library
0.6.0-2: all
python-sphinx-paramlinks パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 2 version)
0.3.4-1: all
python-sphinx-patchqueue パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx extension for embedding sequences of file alterations (Python 2)
0.5.0-2: all
python-sphinx-rtd-theme パッケージ
- etiona (python):
sphinx theme from readthedocs.org (Python 2)
0.2.4-1: all
python-sphinx-testing パッケージ
- etiona (python):
testing utility for Sphinx extensions
0.7.2-0.1: all
python-sphinxbase パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Speech recognition tool - Python bindings
0.8+5prealpha+1-1: amd64 i386
python-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme パッケージ
- etiona (python):
documenting APIs built with Pecan and WSME - Python 2.7
0.8.0-7: all
python-sphinxcontrib.actdiag パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx "actdiag" extension
0.8.5-1: all
python-sphinxcontrib.bibtex-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
documentation for sphinxcontrib-bibtex
2.4.1-3: all - nabia (doc):
documentation for sphinxcontrib-bibtex
0.4.1-2: all - etiona (doc):
documentation for sphinxcontrib-bibtex
0.3.6-2: all
python-sphinxcontrib.blockdiag パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx "blockdiag" extension
1.5.5-1: all
python-sphinxcontrib.docbookrestapi パッケージ
- etiona (python):
generating REST API documentation for http://api.openstack.org
0.2.1-3: all
python-sphinxcontrib.httpdomain パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs - Python 2.x
1.5.0-2: all
python-sphinxcontrib.issuetracker パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx integration with different issue trackers
0.11-2: all
python-sphinxcontrib.nwdiag パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx "nwdiag" extension
0.9.5-1: all
python-sphinxcontrib.plantuml パッケージ
- etiona (python):
PlantUML extension for Sphinx - Python 2.x
0.5-4: all
python-sphinxcontrib.programoutput パッケージ
- etiona (python):
insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - Python 2.x
0.11-3: all
python-sphinxcontrib.programoutput-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - doc
0.16-2: all - nabia (doc):
insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - doc
0.11-5: all - etiona (doc):
insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - doc
0.11-3: all
python-sphinxcontrib.rubydomain パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Ruby domain for HTTP APIs - Python 2.x
0.1~dev-20100804-1: all
python-sphinxcontrib.seqdiag パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx "seqdiag" extension
0.8.5-1: all
python-sphinxcontrib.spelling パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx "spelling" extension
4.0.1-1: all
python-sphinxcontrib.spelling-doc パッケージ
- aramo (doc):
Sphinx "spelling" extension (documentation)
7.2.1-1: all - nabia (doc):
Sphinx "spelling" extension (documentation)
4.2.0-2: all - etiona (doc):
Sphinx "spelling" extension (documentation)
4.0.1-1: all
python-sphinxcontrib.websupport パッケージ
- etiona (python):
API to integrate Sphinx documentation into Web applications (Python 2)
1.0.1-2: all
python-sphinxcontrib.youtube パッケージ
- etiona (python):
Sphinx "YouTube" extension
1.0-1: all