特定のスイートに絞って検索: [aramo] [aramo-updates] [aramo-security] [aramo-backports] [nabia] [nabia-updates] [nabia-security] [nabia-backports] [etiona] [etiona-updates] [etiona-security] [etiona-backports]
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mon を名前に含むパッケージを、nabia スイート、すべてのセクション、すべてのアーキテクチャで検索しました。 82 個の一致するパッケージが見つかりました。
mon パッケージ
- nabia (admin):
monitor hosts/services/whatever and alert about problems
1.3.4-1: amd64 armhf
mon-client パッケージ
- nabia (perl):
modules for interfacing with the mon package
1.2.0-2: all
mon-contrib パッケージ
- nabia (admin):
contributed tools, monitors and alert for mon
1.0+dfsg-4: amd64 armhf
mona パッケージ
- nabia (misc):
theorem prover based on automata
1.4-17-2build1: amd64 armhf
monajat-applet パッケージ
- nabia (utils):
Islamic supplications tray applet
4.1-2: all
monajat-data パッケージ
- nabia (utils):
Islamic supplications database
4.1-2: all
monajat-mod パッケージ
- nabia (utils):
Islamic supplications console utility
4.1-2: all
monajat-screenlet パッケージ
- nabia (utils):
Islamic supplications screenlet
4.1-2: all
mongo-tools パッケージ
- nabia (admin):
collection of tools for administering MongoDB servers
3.6.3-0ubuntu1: amd64 armhf
mongodb パッケージ
- nabia (database):
object/document-oriented database (metapackage)
1:3.6.9+really3.6.8+90~g8e540c0b6d-0ubuntu5: amd64
mongodb-clients パッケージ
- nabia (database):
object/document-oriented database (client apps)
1:3.6.9+really3.6.8+90~g8e540c0b6d-0ubuntu5: amd64
mongodb-dev パッケージ
- nabia (oldlibs):
MongoDB C++ Driver (transitional package)
2:1.1.3-3: all
mongodb-server パッケージ
- nabia (database):
object/document-oriented database (managed server package)
1:3.6.9+really3.6.8+90~g8e540c0b6d-0ubuntu5: all
mongodb-server-core パッケージ
- nabia (database):
object/document-oriented database (server binaries package)
1:3.6.9+really3.6.8+90~g8e540c0b6d-0ubuntu5: amd64
mongoose パッケージ
- nabia (math):
graph partitioning tool that can quickly compute edge cuts (executable)
1:5.7.1+dfsg-2: amd64 armhf
mongrel2-core パッケージ
- nabia (httpd):
programming language agnostic web server (binaries)
1.12.2-2: amd64 armhf
mongrel2-run パッケージ
- nabia (httpd):
programming language agnostic web server
1.12.2-2: all
monit パッケージ
- nabia (admin):
utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs
1:5.26.0-4: amd64 armhf
monitoring-plugins パッケージ
- nabia (net):
Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems (metapackage)
2.2-6ubuntu1: all
monitoring-plugins-basic パッケージ
- nabia (net):
Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems (basic)
2.2-6ubuntu1: amd64 armhf
monitoring-plugins-btrfs パッケージ
- nabia (net):
btrfs plugin for nagios compatible monitoring systems
11-2: all
monitoring-plugins-common パッケージ
- nabia (net):
Common files for plugins for nagios compatible monitoring
2.2-6ubuntu1: amd64 armhf
monitoring-plugins-standard パッケージ
- nabia (net):
Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems (standard)
2.2-6ubuntu1: amd64 armhf
monitorix パッケージ
- nabia (utils):
lightweight system monitoring tool
3.12.0-1: all
monkeysphere パッケージ
- nabia (net):
leverage the OpenPGP web of trust for SSH and TLS authentication
0.41-1ubuntu1: all
mono-4.0-gac パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
Mono GAC tool (for CLI 4.0) all
mono-4.0-service パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
Mono service manager for CLI 4.0 all
mono-addins-utils パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
Command-line utility for Mono.Addins management
1.0+git20130406.adcd75b-4: all
mono-apache-server パッケージ
- nabia (web):
ASP.NET backend for mod_mono Apache module - default version
4.2-2.1: all
mono-apache-server4 パッケージ
- nabia (web):
ASP.NET 4.5 backend for mod_mono Apache module
4.2-2.1: all
mono-basic-dbg パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono Visual Basic, debugging symbols
4.0.1-3: all
mono-basic-source パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
mono-basic source code
4.0.1-3: all
mono-complete パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
complete Mono runtime, development tools and all libraries amd64 armhf
mono-csharp-shell パッケージ
- nabia (shells):
interactive C# shell all
mono-dbg パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono debugging symbols all
mono-devel パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono development tools all
mono-fastcgi-server パッケージ
- nabia (web):
ASP.NET backend for FastCGI webservers - default version
4.2-2.1: all
mono-fastcgi-server4 パッケージ
- nabia (web):
ASP.NET 4.0 backend for FastCGI webservers
4.2-2.1: all
mono-fpm-server パッケージ
- nabia (web):
ASP.NET backend for FastCGI Process Manager
4.2-2.1: all
mono-gac パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono GAC tool all
mono-mcs パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono C# 2.0 / 3.0 / 4.0 / 5.0 compiler for CLI 2.0 / 4.0 / 4.5 all
mono-profiler パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono profiler
4.2-3: all
mono-runtime パッケージ
- nabia (interpreters):
Mono runtime - default version amd64 armhf
mono-runtime-boehm パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
Mono runtime - Boehm amd64 armhf
mono-runtime-common パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
Mono runtime - common files amd64 armhf
mono-runtime-dbg パッケージ
- nabia (debug):
Mono runtime, debugging symbols amd64 armhf
mono-runtime-sgen パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
Mono runtime - SGen amd64 armhf
mono-source パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono source code all
mono-tools-devel パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Various development tools for mono
4.2-3: all
mono-tools-gui パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Various GUI tools for mono
4.2-3: all
mono-upnp-bin パッケージ
- nabia (cli-mono):
client/server libraries for UPnP -- executables
0.1.2-2build1: all
mono-utils パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono utilities amd64 armhf
mono-vbnc パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
Mono Visual Basic Compiler (VB.NET)
4.0.1-3: all
mono-xbuild パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
MSBuild-compatible build system for Mono all
mono-xsp パッケージ
- nabia (web):
simple web server to run ASP.NET applications - default version
4.2-2.1: all
mono-xsp4 パッケージ
- nabia (web):
simple web server to run ASP.NET 4.0 applications
4.2-2.1: all
mono-xsp4-base パッケージ
- nabia (web):
base libraries for XSP 4.0
4.2-2.1: all
monobristol パッケージ
- nabia (sound):
simple GUI for Bristol
0.60.3-3ubuntu1: all
monodoc-appindicator3-0.1-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for Appindicator3#
12.10.0+git20151221-5: all
monodoc-base パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
shared MonoDoc binaries all
monodoc-db4o-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for db4o all
monodoc-gdata-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for GData all
monodoc-gkeyfile-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for gkeyfile-sharp
0.1-5: all
monodoc-gmime2.6-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
transitional dummy package for GMime documentation (old 2.6 version)
2.6.23+dfsg1-4: all
monodoc-gtk2.0-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for GTK# 2.10
2.12.40-3: all
monodoc-gtk3.0-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for GTK# 3.0
2.99.3-4: all
monodoc-gudev-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for gudev-sharp
3.0.0-1build1: all
monodoc-hexbox-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
Hex Edit Control for .NET developers - docs
1.5.0-5: all
monodoc-http パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
MonoDoc http based viewer
4.2-3: all
monodoc-hyena-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for Hyena
0.5-4: all
monodoc-manual パッケージ
- nabia (devel):
compiled XML documentation from the Mono project all
monodoc-mono-fuse-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for mono-fuse
0.4.2+dfsg-4: all
monodoc-mono-upnp-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
Compiled XML documentation for mono-upnp
0.1.2-2build1: all
monodoc-mono-zeroconf-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for mono-zeroconf
0.9.0-6: all
monodoc-newtonsoft-json-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for Json.NET
6.0.8+dfsg-1: all
monodoc-notify-sharp-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for notify-sharp
0.4.0~r3032-7build1: all
monodoc-notify3.0-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for notify-sharp
3.0.3-3: all
monodoc-nunit-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for NUnit - monodoc manual
2.6.4+dfsg-1: all
monodoc-opentk-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
Open Toolkit wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL and OpenCL - Docs
1.1.4c+dfsg-2ubuntu2: all
monodoc-poppler-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for Poppler Sharp
0.0.3-4: all
monodoc-soup2.4-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for Soup# 2.4
2.42.2+git20151219-3: all
monodoc-taglib-manual パッケージ
- nabia (doc):
compiled XML documentation for taglib-sharp all