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>> Trisquel >> パッケージ >> パッケージ検索結果

特定のスイートに絞って検索: [aramo] [aramo-updates] [aramo-security] [aramo-backports] [nabia] [nabia-updates] [nabia-security] [nabia-backports] [etiona] [etiona-updates] [etiona-security] [etiona-backports]

Limit search to a specific architecture: [i386] [amd64] [armhf] [arm64] [ppc64el]

gant を名前に含むパッケージを、すべてのスイート、すべてのセクション、すべてのアーキテクチャで検索しました。 7 個の一致するパッケージが見つかりました。


gant パッケージ

  • aramo (devel): Groovy build framework based on scripting Ant tasks
    1.9.11-8: all
  • nabia (devel): Groovy build framework based on scripting Ant tasks
    1.9.11-7: all
  • etiona (devel): Groovy build framework based on scripting Ant tasks
    1.9.11-7: all


libkdgantt2-0 パッケージ

  • etiona (libs): Gantt chart library
    4:4.14.10-7: amd64 i386

libkgantt-dev パッケージ

  • aramo (libdevel): library for creating Gantt diagrams (development files)
    2.8.0-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
  • nabia (libdevel): library for creating Gantt diagrams (development files)
    2.6.3-1: amd64 armhf
  • etiona (libdevel): library for creating Gantt diagrams (development files)
    2.6.0-2: amd64 i386

libkgantt2 パッケージ

  • aramo (libs): library for creating Gantt diagrams (shared library)
    2.8.0-1: amd64 arm64 armhf ppc64el
  • nabia (libs): library for creating Gantt diagrams (shared library)
    2.6.3-1: amd64 armhf
  • etiona (libs): library for creating Gantt diagrams (shared library)
    2.6.0-2: amd64 i386

libkgantt2-l10n パッケージ

  • aramo (localization): library for creating Gantt diagrams (translations)
    2.8.0-1: all
  • nabia (localization): library for creating Gantt diagrams (translations)
    2.6.3-1: all
  • etiona (localization): library for creating Gantt diagrams (translations)
    2.6.0-2: all

rt4-extension-jsgantt パッケージ

  • aramo (perl): Gantt charts for your tickets (for RT4)
    1.06-1: all
  • nabia (perl): Gantt charts for your tickets (for RT4)
    1.03-1.1: all
  • etiona (perl): Gantt charts for your tickets (for RT4)
    1.03-1: all

trac-jsgantt パッケージ

  • etiona (web): displays Trac tickets as a Gantt chart in a wiki page
    0.11+r14208-1: all