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>> Trisquel >> Balíky >> Výsledky hľadania balíkov

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Hľadali ste balíky ktorých názvy obsahujú gyoto v všetky sady, všetky sekcie a architektúry armhf. Našlo sa 7 zodpovedajúcich balíkov.

Presné výsledky

Balík gyoto

  • aramo (science): General relativistic geodesic integration and ray-tracing
    1.4.4-7build1: all
  • nabia (science): General relativistic geodesic integration and ray-tracing
    1.4.4-3: all
  • etiona (science): General relativistic geodesic integration and ray-tracing
    1.2.0-4: all

Ostatné výsledky

Balík gyoto-bin

  • aramo (science): General relativistic ray-tracing command-line interface
    1.4.4-7build1: armhf
  • nabia (science): General relativistic ray-tracing command-line interface
    1.4.4-3: armhf

Balík gyoto-doc

  • aramo (doc): documentation for the Gyoto library
    1.4.4-7build1: all
  • nabia (doc): documentation for the Gyoto library
    1.4.4-3: all
  • etiona (doc): documentation for the Gyoto library
    1.2.0-4: all

Balík libgyoto8

  • aramo (libs): Gyoto framework main library an standard plug-in
    1.4.4-7build1: armhf
  • nabia (libs): Gyoto framework main library an standard plug-in
    1.4.4-3: armhf

Balík libgyoto8-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): development files for libgyoto
    1.4.4-7build1: armhf
  • nabia (libdevel): development files for libgyoto
    1.4.4-3: armhf

Balík python3-gyoto

  • aramo (python): General relativistic geodesic integration for the Python 3 language
    1.4.4-7build1: armhf
  • nabia (python): General relativistic geodesic integration for the Python 3 language
    1.4.4-3: armhf

Balík yorick-gyoto

  • aramo (science): General relativistic geodesic integration for the Yorick language
    1.4.4-7build1: armhf
  • nabia (science): General relativistic geodesic integration for the Yorick language
    1.4.4-3: armhf