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>> Trisquel >> Balíky >> Výsledky hľadania balíkov

Niektoré výsledky neboli zobrazené kvôli parametrom vyhľadávania.

Hľadali ste balíky ktorých názvy obsahujú fillets-ng v všetky sady, všetky sekcie a architektúry arm64. Našlo sa 4 zodpovedajúcich balíkov.

Presné výsledky

Balík fillets-ng

  • aramo (games): puzzle game about witty fish saving the world sokoban-style
    1.0.1-4build2: arm64

Ostatné výsledky

Balík fillets-ng-data

  • aramo (games): docs, graphics, music and international sounds for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1.1: all
  • nabia (games): docs, graphics, music and international sounds for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1: all
  • etiona (games): docs, graphics, music and international sounds for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1: all

Balík fillets-ng-data-cs

  • aramo (games): add-on sounds for Czech language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1.1: all
  • nabia (games): add-on sounds for Czech language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1: all
  • etiona (games): add-on sounds for Czech language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1: all

Balík fillets-ng-data-nl

  • aramo (games): add-on sounds for Dutch language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1.1: all
  • nabia (games): add-on sounds for Dutch language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1: all
  • etiona (games): add-on sounds for Dutch language spoken dialogs for fillets-ng
    1.0.1-1: all