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Szukano pakietów których nazwy zawierają bless w wszystkich gałęziach, wszystkich sekcjach i architekturze: arm64. Liczba pasujących pakietów: 8.
Dokładne dopasowania
Pakiet bless
- aramo (editors):
Full featured hexadecimal editor
0.6.3-1: all - nabia (editors):
A full featured hexadecimal editor
0.6.0-7: all - etiona (editors):
A full featured hexadecimal editor
0.6.0-5: all
Inne wyniki
Pakiet fbless
- aramo (text):
terminal fiction book reader
0.2.3-5: arm64
Pakiet liblessen-java
- aramo (java):
lightweight CSS+LESS parser written in Java
1.0-2: all
Pakiet libmoosex-blessed-reconstruct-perl
- aramo (perl):
Data::Visitor for creating Moose objects
1.01-1: all - nabia (perl):
Data::Visitor for creating Moose objects
1.01-1: all - etiona (perl):
Data::Visitor for creating Moose objects
1.00-2: all
Pakiet python-blessed
- etiona (python):
Thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python2
1.14.2-3: all
Pakiet python-blessings
- etiona (python):
simple but powerful module to manage terminal color and styling (Python 2)
1.6-2build1: all
Pakiet python3-blessed
- aramo (python):
Thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python3
1.19.0-1: all - nabia (python):
Thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python3
1.16.1-1: all - etiona (python):
Thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python3
1.14.2-3: all
Pakiet python3-blessings
- aramo (python):
simple but powerful module to manage terminal color and styling (Python 3)
1.7-1: all - nabia (python):
simple but powerful module to manage terminal color and styling (Python 3)
1.6-3: all - etiona (python):
simple but powerful module to manage terminal color and styling (Python 3)
1.6-2build1: all