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Certains résultats n'ont pas été affichés en raison des paramètres de recherche.

Vous avez recherché des paquets dont les noms contiennent ample dans toutes les suites, toutes les sections, et architecture(s) arm64. 59 paquets correspondants trouvés.

Votre mot-clé est trop général, pour des raisons d'optimisation certains résultats ont dû être supprimés.
Envisagez l'utilisation d'un mot-clé plus long ou de plusieurs mots-clés.

Résultats exacts

Paquet ample

  • aramo (sound): simple MP3 server easy to use
    0.5.7-13: arm64

Autres résultats

Paquet biosyntax-example

  • aramo (science): Syntax Highlighting for Computational Biology (example)
    1.0.0b-2: all
  • nabia (science): Syntax Highlighting for Computational Biology (example)
    1.0.0b-1: all

Paquet bolt-lmm-example

  • aramo (science): Examples for bolt-lmm
    2.3.6+dfsg-1: all
  • nabia (science): Examples for bolt-lmm
    2.3.4+dfsg-2build1: all

Paquet chromhmm-example

  • aramo (doc): Chromatin state discovery and characterization (example)
    1.23+dfsg-1: all
  • nabia (doc): Chromatin state discovery and characterization (example)
    1.20+dfsg-1: all

Paquet dssi-example-plugins

  • aramo (libdevel): Examples of DSSI plugin
    1.1.1~dfsg0-5: arm64

Paquet example-content

  • aramo (x11): Ubuntu example content
    51: all
  • nabia (x11): Ubuntu example content
    51: all
  • etiona (x11): Ubuntu example content
    50: all

Paquet fntsample

  • aramo (text): program for making font samples
    5.4-3: arm64

Paquet forensics-samples-all

  • aramo (metapackages): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (metapackage)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-btrfs

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (btrfs)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-exfat

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (exFAT)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-ext2

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (ext2)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-ext4

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (ext4)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-files

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (files)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-multiple

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (multiple FS)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-ntfs

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (ntfs)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-tools

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (tools)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet forensics-samples-vfat

  • aramo (utils): Set of files to help learn/test forensics tools and techniques (vfat)
    1.1.4-3: all

Paquet gtkmorph-example

  • aramo (graphics): digital image warp and morph, examples
    1:20140707+nmu2.1: all
  • nabia (graphics): digital image warp and morph, examples
    1:20140707+nmu2build2: all
  • etiona (graphics): digital image warp and morph, examples
    1:20140707+nmu2build1: all

Paquet ippsample

  • aramo (net): ippsample - Samples/development tools for the IPP
    0.0+20180213-0ubuntu1: arm64

Paquet kaptive-example

  • aramo (science): example data for kaptive for Klebsiella genome assemblies
    2.0.0-1: all
  • nabia (science): example data for kaptive for Klebsiella genome assemblies
    0.7.0-2: all

Paquet libalgorithm-numerical-sample-perl

  • aramo (perl): Draw samples from a set
    2010011201-2: all
  • nabia (perl): Draw samples from a set
    2010011201-1: all
  • etiona (perl): Draw samples from a set
    2010011201-1: all

Paquet libdata-downsample-largesttrianglethreebuckets-perl

  • aramo (perl): Perl module for downsampling time series for visual representation
    1.00-2.1: all

Paquet libofapi-example

  • aramo (libdevel): OpenFirmware device-tree parsing library - example files
    0git20070620-9: all
  • nabia (libdevel): OpenFirmware device-tree parsing library - example files
    0git20070620-8: all
  • etiona (libdevel): OpenFirmware device-tree parsing library [example files]
    0git20070620-7: all

Paquet libopencsg-example

  • aramo (libs): image-based CSG library using OpenGL (example program)
    1.4.2-3build1: arm64

Paquet libpcl-sample-consensus1.12

  • aramo (libs): Point Cloud Library - sample consensus library
    1.12.1+dfsg-3build1: arm64

Paquet libresample1

  • aramo (libs): real-time audio resampling library - shared libraries
    0.1.3-5: arm64

Paquet libresample1-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): real-time audio resampling library - development files
    0.1.3-5: arm64

Paquet libsamplerate-ocaml

  • aramo (libs): OCaml interface to the samplerate library
    0.1.6-1build1: arm64

Paquet libsamplerate-ocaml-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): OCaml interface to the samplerate library
    0.1.6-1build1: arm64

Paquet libsamplerate0

  • aramo (libs): Audio sample rate conversion library
    0.2.2-1build1: arm64

Paquet libsamplerate0-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): Development files for audio sample rate conversion
    0.2.2-1build1: arm64

Paquet libswresample-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
    7:4.4.1-3ubuntu5: arm64
  • aramo-updates (libdevel): FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
    7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1: arm64
  • aramo-security (libdevel): FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - development files
    7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1: arm64

Paquet libswresample3

  • aramo (libs): FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files
    7:4.4.1-3ubuntu5: arm64
  • aramo-updates (libs): FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files
    7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1: arm64
  • aramo-security (libs): FFmpeg library for audio resampling, rematrixing etc. - runtime files
    7:4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1: arm64

Paquet libvanessa-logger-sample

  • aramo (devel): Sample programme using libvanessa-logger
    0.0.10-3.1: arm64

Paquet libzita-resampler-dev

  • aramo (libdevel): Development files (headers) for libzita-resampler library
    1.8.0-2: arm64

Paquet libzita-resampler-doc

  • aramo (doc): Developers reference for libzita-resampler library
    1.8.0-2: all
  • nabia (doc): Developers reference for libzita-resampler library
    1.6.2-1: all
  • etiona (doc): Developers reference for libzita-resampler library
    1.6.0-2: all

Paquet libzita-resampler1

  • aramo (libs): C++ library for resampling audio signals
    1.8.0-2: arm64

Paquet multimedia-samplers

  • aramo (misc): Software samplers
    0.10: all
  • nabia (misc): Software samplers
    0.8ubuntu1: all
  • etiona (misc): Software samplers
    0.6ubuntu2: all

Paquet pd-xsample

  • aramo (sound): extended sample objects for Pure Data
    0.3.2+git20170905.1.4441ae5-3: arm64

Paquet plast-example

  • aramo (science): Parallel Local Sequence Alignment Search Tool (example data)
    2.3.2+dfsg-8: all
  • nabia (science): Parallel Local Sequence Alignment Search Tool (example data)
    2.3.2+dfsg-1build1: all
  • etiona (science): Parallel Local Sequence Alignment Search Tool (example data)
    2.3.1+dfsg-4: all

Paquet python-pyresample-doc

  • aramo (doc): Resampling of remote sensing data in Python (documentation)
    1.22.3-2build1: all
  • nabia (doc): Resampling of remote sensing data in Python (documentation)
    1.14.0-3build1: all
  • etiona (doc): Resampling of remote sensing data in Python (documentation)
    1.8.1-1: all

Paquet python-pyresample-test

  • aramo (python): Resampling of remote sensing data in Python (test suite)
    1.22.3-2build1: all
  • nabia (python): Resampling of remote sensing data in Python (test suite)
    1.14.0-3build1: all
  • etiona (python): Resampling of remote sensing data in Python (test suite)
    1.8.1-1: all

Paquet python3-pyresample

  • aramo (python): Resampling of remote sensing data in Python 3
    1.22.3-2build1: arm64

Paquet q2-sample-classifier

  • aramo (science): QIIME 2 plugin for machine learning prediction of sample data
    2021.8.0-1: all

Paquet qtltools-example

  • aramo (doc): Tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis - example
    1.3.1+dfsg-2build2: all
  • nabia (doc): Tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis - example
    1.2+dfsg-2build1: all
  • etiona (doc): Tool set for molecular QTL discovery and analysis - example
    1.1+dfsg-2build1: all

Paquet qtwebkit5-examples-doc

  • etiona (doc): Qt 5 webkit examples documentation
    5.9.1+dfsg-2: all

Paquet qtwebkit5-examples-doc-html

  • etiona (doc): Qt 5 webkit examples HTML documentation
    5.9.1+dfsg-2: all

Paquet r-cran-raschsampler

  • aramo (gnu-r): GNU R package for sampling binary matrices with fixed margins
    0.8-8-3: arm64

Paquet r-cran-rsample

  • aramo (gnu-r): GNU R general resampling infrastructure
    0.1.1-1: all
  • nabia (gnu-r): GNU R general resampling infrastructure
    0.0.5-2: all

Paquet rampler

  • aramo (science): module for sampling genomic sequences
    2.0.0-2: arm64

Paquet rapmap-example-data

  • aramo (science): example data for rapmap - rapid sensitive and accurate DNA read mapping
    0.15.0+dfsg-2: all
  • nabia (science): example data for rapmap - rapid sensitive and accurate DNA read mapping
    0.15.0+dfsg-1: all
  • etiona (science): example data for rapmap - rapid sensitive and accurate DNA read mapping
    0.5.0+dfsg-3: all

Paquet resample

  • aramo (utils): Resamples a sound file using a FIR filter
    1.8.1-1build2: arm64

Paquet resfinder-example

  • aramo (science): identify acquired antimicrobial resistance genes (example data)
    4.1.6-1: all
  • nabia (science): identify acquired antimicrobial resistance genes (example data)
    3.2-1: all

Paquet samplerate-programs

  • aramo (utils): Sample programs that use libsamplerate - Transitional package
    0.2.2-1build1: all
    également fourni par : sndfile-tools

Paquet shapeit4-example

  • aramo (doc): fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (phasing) - example
    4.2.2+dfsg-1: all
  • nabia (doc): fast and accurate method for estimation of haplotypes (phasing) - example
    4.1+dfsg-1build1: all

Paquet tirex-example-map

  • aramo (web): Tirex example map data and configuration
    0.7.0-1: all

Paquet velvet-example

  • aramo (science): Example data for the Velvet sequence assembler
    1.2.10+dfsg1-7: all
  • nabia (science): Example data for the Velvet sequence assembler
    1.2.10+dfsg1-7: all
  • etiona (science): Example data for the Velvet sequence assembler
    1.2.10+dfsg1-3build1: all

Paquet yample

  • aramo (mail): Yet Another Mail Processing Language
    0.30-3.1: all
  • nabia (mail): Yet Another Mail Processing Language
    0.30-3: all
  • etiona (mail): Yet Another Mail Processing Language
    0.30-3: all

Paquet zita-resampler

  • aramo (sound): resampler application written with libzita-resampler
    1.8.0-2: arm64