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Hľadali ste balíky ktorých názvy obsahujú maven v všetky sady, všetky sekcie a architektúry amd64. Našlo sa 5 zodpovedajúcich balíkov.

Vaše kľúčové slovo bolo príliš všeobecné, z dôvodov optimalizácie sa niektoré výsledky nemusia zobraziť.
Prosím zvážte použitie dlhších alebo iných kľúčových slov.

Presné výsledky

Balík maven

  • aramo (java): Java software project management and comprehension tool
    3.6.3-5: all
  • nabia (java): Java software project management and comprehension tool
    3.6.3-1: all
  • nabia-updates (java): Java software project management and comprehension tool
    3.6.3-1ubuntu0.1: all
  • etiona (java): Java software project management and comprehension tool
    3.5.2-2: all
  • etiona-updates (java): Java software project management and comprehension tool
    3.6.0-1~18.04.1: all
  • etiona-security (java): Java software project management and comprehension tool
    3.6.0-1~18.04.1: all

Ostatné výsledky

Balík maven-ant-helper

  • aramo (devel): helper scripts for building Maven components with ant
    8.6: all
  • nabia (devel): helper scripts for building Maven components with ant
    8.5: all
  • etiona (devel): helper scripts for building Maven components with ant
    8.4: all
  • etiona-updates (devel): helper scripts for building Maven components with ant
    8.5~18.04: all
  • etiona-security (devel): helper scripts for building Maven components with ant
    8.5~18.04: all

Balík maven-cache-cleanup

  • aramo (java): Utility to purge timestamped snapshots from Maven repositories
    1.0.4-1.2: all
  • nabia (java): Utility to purge timestamped snapshots from Maven repositories
    1.0.4-1: all
  • etiona-updates (java): Utility to purge timestamped snapshots from Maven repositories
    1.0.4-1~18.04: all
  • etiona-security (java): Utility to purge timestamped snapshots from Maven repositories
    1.0.4-1~18.04: all

Balík maven-debian-helper

  • aramo (java): Helper tools for building Debian packages with Maven
    2.6: all
  • nabia (java): Helper tools for building Debian packages with Maven
    2.4: all
  • etiona (java): Helper tools for building Debian packages with Maven
    2.3~exp1: all
  • etiona-updates (java): Helper tools for building Debian packages with Maven
    2.3.2~18.04.1: all
  • etiona-security (java): Helper tools for building Debian packages with Maven
    2.3.2~18.04.1: all

Balík maven-repo-helper

  • aramo (java): Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages
    1.10: all
  • nabia (java): Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages
    1.9.4: all
  • etiona (java): Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages
    1.9.2: all
  • etiona-updates (java): Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages
    1.9.3~18.04: all
  • etiona-security (java): Helper tools for including Maven metadata in Debian packages
    1.9.3~18.04: all