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Pakiet źródłowy: python-keystoneclient (1:4.4.0-0ubuntu1)

Odnośniki dla python-keystoneclient

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Z tego pakietu źródłowego zbudowano następujące pakiety binarne:
client library for the OpenStack Keystone API - doc
client library for the OpenStack Keystone API - Python 3.x

Inne pakiety związane z python-keystoneclient

  • build-depends
  • build-depends-indep
  • adep: debhelper-compat (= 13)
    Pakiet niedostępny
  • adep: dh-python
    Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications
  • adep: openstack-pkg-tools
    Tools and scripts for building Openstack packages in Debian
  • adep: python3-all
    package depending on all supported Python 3 runtime versions
  • adep: python3-pbr (>= 2.0.0)
    inject useful and sensible default behaviors into setuptools - Python 3.x
  • adep: python3-setuptools
    Python3 Distutils Enhancements
  • adep: python3-sphinx (>= 2.0.0)
    documentation generator for Python projects
  • idep: bandit
    Security oriented static analyzer for Python code - Metapackage
  • idep: memcached
    High-performance in-memory object caching system
  • idep: python3-bandit (>= 1.1.0)
    Security oriented static analyzer for Python code - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-coverage (>= 4.0)
    code coverage tool for Python 3
  • idep: python3-debtcollector (>= 1.2.0)
    collection of patterns to collect technical debt - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-fixtures (>= 3.0.0)
    PyUnit extension for defining test fixtures outside of test cases - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-flake8-docstrings (>= 0.2.1.post1)
    flake8 extension to check docstrings
  • idep: python3-hacking (>= 1.1.0)
    Flake8 OpenStack Hacking Guidelines Enforcement plugins - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-keyring (>= 5.5.1)
    store and access your passwords safely
  • idep: python3-keystoneauth1 (>= 3.4.0)
    authentication library for OpenStack Identity - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-lxml (>= 4.5.0)
    pythonic binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
  • idep: python3-memcache (>= 1.56)
    pure Python memcached client - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-mock (>= 2.0.0)
    Mocking and Testing Library (Python3 version)
  • idep: python3-mox3
    Mock object framework - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-oauthlib (>= 0.6.2)
    generic, spec-compliant implementation of OAuth for Python3
  • idep: python3-openstackdocstheme (>= 2.2.1)
    extension support for Sphin OpenStack doc - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-oslo.config (>= 1:5.2.0)
    Common code for Openstack Projects (configuration API) - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-oslo.i18n (>= 3.15.3)
    Oslo Internationalization Utilities - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-oslo.serialization (>= 2.18.0)
    utilities for serialization , especially JSON - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-oslo.utils (>= 3.33.0)
    set of utility functions for OpenStack - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-oslotest (>= 1:3.2.0)
    OpenStack test framework - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-pep8
    Python PEP 8 code style checker - Python 3
  • idep: python3-pysaml2
    SAML Version 2 to be used in a WSGI environment - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-reno (>= 2.5.0)
    RElease NOtes manager - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-requests (>= 2.14.2)
    elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings
  • idep: python3-requests-mock (>= 1.2.0)
    mock out responses from the requests package - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-six (>= 1.10.0)
    Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (Python 3 interface)
  • idep: python3-sphinxcontrib.apidoc (>= 0.2.0)
    Sphinx extension for running 'sphinx-apidoc' on each build - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-stestr (>= 2.0.0)
    test runner similar to testrepository - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-stevedore (>= 1:1.20.0)
    manage dynamic plugins for Python applications - python3
  • idep: python3-subunit
    unit testing protocol - Python3 bindings to generate and consume streams
  • idep: python3-tempest (>= 1:17.1.0)
    OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-testrepository (>= 0.0.18)
    Database of test results - Python 3.x library
  • idep: python3-testresources (>= 2.0.0)
    PyUnit extension for managing expensive test fixtures - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-testscenarios (>= 0.4)
    Dependency injection for Python unittest tests - Python 3.x
  • idep: python3-testtools (>= 2.2.0)
    Extensions to the Python unittest library - Python 3.x
  • idep: tempest (>= 1:17.1.0)
    OpenStack Integration Test Suite

Download python-keystoneclient

PlikRozmiar (w KiB)Suma kontrolna MD5
python-keystoneclient_4.4.0-0ubuntu1.dsc 3,5 KiB cd4a909f184588b9945acfce5d5c324b
python-keystoneclient_4.4.0.orig.tar.gz 317,4 KiB 90d62e873bca9e2bcb822ac7c2604ee7
python-keystoneclient_4.4.0-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz 28,9 KiB 2edbb77e938844fccababcb11473b0a4
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