zope.browserresource (3.12.0-0ubuntu2) utopic; urgency=medium * d/control: Disable DEP-8 tests to break the promotion logjam. -- Barry Warsaw Tue, 01 Jul 2014 17:02:39 -0400 zope.browserresource (3.12.0-0ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low * New upstream release. * debian/patches: remove, upstream now includes a license. * debian/control: - bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 - add homepage - enable autopkgtest * debian/tests: switch to zope.testrunner * debian/copyright: update to copyright-format 1.0, change author. -- Gediminas Paulauskas Fri, 30 Nov 2012 19:37:40 +0200 zope.browserresource (3.10.3-0ubuntu3) precise; urgency=low * Rebuild to drop python2.6 dependencies. -- Matthias Klose Sat, 31 Dec 2011 08:19:31 +0000 zope.browserresource (3.10.3-0ubuntu2) oneiric; urgency=low * dh_python2 transition. * changed to source format 3.0 quilt. * added debian/pydist-overrides to assist dhp2 calculate Depends. * debian/rules - changed "--with python-central" to "--with python2". * debian/control - changed python-all to (>= 2.6.6-3~). - removed B-D on python-central. - increased Standards Version to 3.9.2. - changed XS-P-V: all to X-P-V: >= 2.5. - removed XB-P-V, no longer needed. -- Charlie Smotherman Sun, 26 Jun 2011 21:13:45 -0500 zope.browserresource (3.10.3-0ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low * New upstream release. * Convert to debhelper 7 and the pydeb dh7 extension. * Set section to zope. * debian/copyright: update, include full text of the license. -- Gediminas Paulauskas Thu, 26 Aug 2010 18:29:16 +0300 zope.browserresource (3.10.2-0ubuntu1) lucid; urgency=low * Initial release. -- Szilveszter Farkas (Canonical) Thu, 11 Feb 2010 10:51:00 +0100