uec-provisioning (0.5) quantal; urgency=low * debian/control: - No longer use dhcp3-server as its no longer available in quantal * Bump up standards-version to 3.9.3 -- Bhavani Shankar Mon, 09 Jul 2012 19:44:26 +0530 uec-provisioning (0.4) natty; urgency=low * webui/usr/lib/cgi-bin/uec.py: - replace : with - in the pxelinux mac address configuration - only install the eucalyptus udeb if one of the euca tasks are checked - hack: use ext3 (for now), as it's 2x faster - turn DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer on for debugging - add spot for additional packages * tftpd/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-pxe, tftpd/usr/lib/uec- provisioning/setup-tftpd: clean these up, get them working out of the box * debian/control, debian/copyright: clean up lintian warnings -- Dustin Kirkland Mon, 13 Dec 2010 14:00:38 -0600 uec-provisioning (0.3) maverick; urgency=low * Release merged fixes from Scott Moser -- Dustin Kirkland Tue, 03 Aug 2010 00:21:30 -0400 uec-provisioning (0.2) maverick; urgency=low [ Dustin Kirkland ] * debian/copyright: - added Mathias and Scott to the authors list, as they have undoubtedly contributed bits and pieces to this project - change license from GPL to AGPL * debian/control: update the vcs location, and the owner * uec-provisioning-common.dirs, uec-provisioning-common.postinst, uec-provisioning-mirror.postinst, uec-provisioning-webui.postinst: move the mkdir from the postinst to a dh .dirs file * common/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/ip_helper, debian/control, mirror/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-approx, tftpd/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-pxe, tftpd/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-tftpd, webui/usr/lib/cgi-bin/uec.py, webui/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-preseed: add AGPL copyright headers to all executable scripts [ Chris Cheney ] * tftpd/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-pxe: Change localboot 0x80 to localboot -1 as it seems to work more reliably and is the more correct form to use. * webui/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-preseed: Add -n to ln so it does not overwrite the preseed file. -- Chris Cheney Thu, 22 Jul 2010 03:16:13 -0500 uec-provisioning (0.1) maverick; urgency=low [ Dustin Kirkland ] * common/usr/share/uec-provisioning/hosts.cfg.template, debian/control, uec-provisioning-common.postinst: create a common package * common/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/ip_helper: create a helper to detect the provisioning server's ip and guess a free ip range * debian/changelog, debian/compat, debian/control, debian/copyright, debian/rules: initial dh7 packaging * debian/uec-provisioning-common.postinst: use the ip_helper when generating the configuration files * dhcpd, mirror, tftpd, webui: created directory layout * webui/usr/lib/cgi-bin/uec.py, debian/control, debian/copyright, debian/uec-provisioning-webui.install - import Thierry Carrez's Python version of Dustin Kirkland's original PHP script for triggering installations (Python preferred for maintainability) * webui/usr/lib/cgi-bin/uec.py: - use /etc/uec-provisioning/hosts.cfg - trap and handle unconfigured hosts.cfg - add support for a 'developer' mode - change key from tftpboot to tftp_dir * webui/etc/uec-provisioning/webui.cfg: create a default webui configuration file [ Chris Cheney ] * debian/README.Debian: Add documentation on steps to use the software. * mirror/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-approx: Add script to configure approx. * mirror/usr/share/uec-provisioning/mirrors.cfg.template: Add template for local mirror. * tftpd/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-pxe: Add script to configure pxe. * tftpd/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-tftpd: Add script to configure tftpd. * webui/usr/lib/cgi-bin/uec.py: Update uec.py to add several new features. * webui/usr/lib/uec-provisioning/setup-preseed: Add script to configure preseed. * webui/var/lib/uec-provisioning/preseed/preseed: Add preseed model file. -- Chris Cheney Wed, 21 Jul 2010 03:10:00 -0500