* New upstream release.
* dh_sphinxdoc:
- Stop taking Python 2 version of alabaster into account.
- Generate dependency on libjs-sphinxdoc ≥ 4.3 for searchtools.js.
- Loosen regex to detect searchindex.js loading (closes: #1001521).
* Add a patch to make searchtools.js support pre-4.3 search indexes
(closes: #1001509).
* Add Sphinx.egg-info/requires.txt and .mo files to debian/clean.
* New upstream release.
* Drop reproducible_restify.diff, applied in the new release.
* Refresh debian/patches/skip_tests_jsmath.diff.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests.
* Remove Built-Using field from sphinx-doc. We do not incorporate any parts
of other source packages during sphinx-doc build.
* Run wrap-and-sort.
* Add a patch to make util.typing.restify sanitize unreproducible output
(closes: #996948). Thanks Chris Lamb!
* Update debian/source/lintian-overrides for Lintian 2.109.
* Team upload.
* Add new breaks on sphinx-tabs << 3.2.0
* Team upload.
* Add new breaks on nbsphinx << 0.8.7
* d/control: make use of ${perl:Depends} in sphinx-common and
${sphinxdoc:Built-Using} in sphinx-doc
* Add salsa-ci file (routine-update)
* Upload to unstable (closes: #994114).
* New upstream release.
* Refresh debian/patches/remove_contrib_references.diff.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.0, no changes needed.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh debian/patches/skip_tests_network.diff.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* debian/jstest/run-tests: Update number of highlights for “examples”.
* Break python3-sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml < 1.1.5.
* New upstream release.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Use the last definition of DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS, if
there are several of them.
* Refresh move_sphinxcontrib_to_extras_require.diff.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh move_sphinxcontrib_to_extras_require.diff.
* Revert the old build path in debian/sphinx-common.manpages.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* Bump required python3-docutils version to 0.14.
* Add tex-gyre to Build-Depends, Suggests and autopkgtest dependencies.
* Update debian/sphinx-common.manpages for the new build path.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Use the last definition of DOCUMENTATION_OPTIONS, if
there are several of them.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* New upstream release.
* Merge 3.4.3-2 upload from unstable.
* New upstream release.
* Move the minified stemmer JS files to the correct location.
* Document the license of stemmer JS files in debian/copyright.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* Override Lintian source-is-missing warnings about stemmer JS files.
* Add debian/upstream/metadata file.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Fix the script tag regex used in singlehtml detection
(closes: #983858).
* New upstream release.
* New upstream release.
* Bump upstream copyright years in debian/copyright.
* Update debian/watch to version 4.
* New upstream release.
* Update debian/copyright.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
* Rebase patches for the new release.
* Use packaged inventory from python-requests-doc.
* Stop exporting http_proxy for the python3-sphinx autopkgtest.
It breaks linkcheck tests which start a local HTTP server thread.
- Do not skip test_raises_for_invalid_status anymore.
- Skip test_build_sphinx_return_nonzero_status. It fails if trying to
access localhost.unexistentdomain results in 503 Server Error from
the proxy server.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.1, no changes needed.
* New upstream release.
* Drop pygments_2.7.diff, included in the new release.
* Refresh other patches.
* Remove python3-sphinx.lintian-overrides, not needed with Lintian 2.92.
* Add test_raises_for_invalid_status to skip_tests_network.diff.
* Replace no_require_setuptools.diff with a debian/py3dist-overrides file.
That is a more compact way to specify that we do not need setuptools.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Drop no_snowballstemmer.diff and use python3-snowballstemmer as
upstream does, now that it is properly packaged.
* Backport upstream commit to make the tests pass with Pygments 2.7.
[ Ondřej Nový ]
* d/control: Update Maintainer field with new Debian Python Team
contact address.
* d/control: Update Vcs-* fields with new Debian Python Team Salsa
* New upstream release.
- Fixes crashes when documenting extension modules (closes: #966983).
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Set field Upstream-Name in debian/copyright.
* Fix day-of-week for changelog entry 0.6.1-1.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Merge 2.4.3-5 upload from unstable.
* Make dh_sphinxdoc generate stricter dependencies on libjs-sphinxdoc.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Remove python3-typed-ast from Build-Depends and tests dependencies,
now that we no longer need to test with Python 3.7.
* Upload to unstable.
* Bump python3-breathe Breaks to 4.15 (closes: #963653).
* New upstream release.
* New upstream release.
* New upstream release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* Specify Rules-Requires-Root: no.
* New upstream release.
* Drop patches, included in the new release:
- html5_docs.diff
- no_evaluate_debug.diff
- no_debug.diff
- autodoc_skip_mocked.diff
* Refresh and rebase other patches.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Update the package description.
- Recommend build-depending on the new sphinx virtual package.
* Add a patch to use packaged intersphinx inventory for Python API.
- Also make sphinx-doc depend on python3-doc.
* Update to debhelper compat level 13.
* Stop excluding test_websupport.py which no longer exists.
* dh_sphinxdoc improvements:
- Make defer attribute of searchindex.js optional (closes: #966979).
- Allow for trailing whitespace in script src attribute, it is allowed
by the HTML specification.
- Add support for symlinking language_data.js for English (see #964013).
* Update autodoc_skip_mocked.diff to use safe_getattr instead of plain
getattr (based on upstream PR #7520). See #959558.
* Update the package description.
- Recommend build-depending on the new sphinx virtual package.
* Break python3-sphinx-celery < 2.0.0 (closes: #958985).
* Export http_proxy= when running the autopkgtest.
* Make autodoc skip mocked objects (closes: #959558).
* Stop using alternatives, ship /usr/bin/sphinx-* symlinks directly.
* Make python3-sphinx provide sphinx virtual package (see #961206).
* Simplify debian/patches/html5_docs.diff for the new release.
* Break python3-breathe < 4.13 (closes: #955569).
* Backport two upstream patches to fix performance issues because of
debug calls.
* Clean up debian/clean, remove files no longer present upstream.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
* Update to debhelper compat level 12.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* New upstream release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* Depend on python3-typed-ast to make the tests pass with Python 3.7.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Add support for script tags without type="text/javascript".
* dh_sphinxdoc: Do not warn about sidebar.js file.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
[ Michael R. Crusoe ]
* Mark the -doc and -common binary packages as Multi-Arch: foreign.
[ Christoph Berg ]
* New upstream version 2.2.0.
* Remove obsolete patches: no_require_websupport.diff,
python2_test_get_module_source.diff, reproducible_download.diff,
docutils_0.15.diff, remove_websupport_assets.diff.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* New upstream version 2.3.1 (closes: #944913).
* Drop no_spaces_in_hyphenated_words.diff, applied in the new release.
* Drop debian/patches/python2_tests_import_hack.diff, this version of
Sphinx no longer supports Python 2.
* Refresh other patches.
* Drop Python 2 support from packaging.
* Update dependencies according to upstream setup.py:
- Bump required docutils version to 0.12.
- Bump required requests version to 2.5.0.
- Remove six from dependencies.
- Remove mock from tests dependencies.
* Patch out references to sphinxcontrib modules.
* Skip tests that require sphinxcontrib.jsmath module.
* Update dh_sphinxdoc for the new searchindex.js loading scheme.
* Use packaged MathJax for sphinx-doc.
* Build-Depend on and suggest fonts-freefont. The LaTeX writer now uses
this font for xelatex and lualatex.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Skip tests that require sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml module (they were
run only during autopkgtest).
* Move sphinxcontrib modules to extras_require.
* Move python3-lib2to3 from Depends to Suggests.
* Update the Homepage field to use https.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0, no changes needed.
* Drop two python2 patches, no longer needed.
* jstest: Enable writing console messages to stdout.
* Make Sphinx' documentation use HTML 5 instead of XHTML, to fix WebKitGTK
parsing errors with shared-mime-info ≥ 0.11 (LP: #1871610).
* Drop Python 2 support; Closes: #938528
* Make the autopkgtest depend on python3-all, and use py3versions -s
instead of -i.
* Update to debhelper compat level 12.
* Update dh_sphinxdoc for the new searchindex.js loading scheme
(closes: #953567).
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0, no changes needed.
* Make sphinx-common provide dh-sequence-sphinxdoc (closes: #946899).
* Drop python-sphinxcontrib.websupport from autopkgtest dependencies,
to allow for its removal.
* Backport upstream patch to fix crashes with docutils 0.16.
* Remove extra underscore character from debian/sphinx-doc.doc-base.
* Run sphinx-doc autopkgtest on all architectures again (bug #931807 has
been fixed).
* Stop installing static files for websupport. These files are already
shipped by python[3]-sphinxcontrib.websupport, and there is no need to
have them in all -doc packages that do not use websupport.
* Backport upstream patch to fix spaces being added to hyphenated words
with text writer (closes: #944331).
* Add some generated files to debian/clean.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.1, no changes needed.
[ Ondřej Nový ]
* Use debhelper-compat instead of debian/compat.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Suggest texlive-plain-generic instead of texlive-generic-extra.
The latter package is no longer built, and iftex.sty is now shipped by
the former package.
* Backport upstream patch to fix test failure with docutils 0.15.
* Update debian/.gitlab-ci.yml to use salsa-pipeline.
* Add a patch to make generated download links reproducible.
* Skip sphinx-doc autopkgtest on ppc64el and s390x (because of #931807).
Based on a change applied by Dimitri John Ledkov in Ubuntu.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0, no changes needed.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
* Drop reproducible_graphviz.diff, a better fix was applied upstream.
* Refresh skip_tests_network.diff.
* New upstream release.
* Ensure the graphviz filenames are reproducible (closes: #921513).
* Bump year in debian/copyright.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.3.0, no changes needed.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
* Drop language_data.js.diff, applied upstream.
* Refresh skip_tests_network.diff.
* Add a patch to make test_get_module_source() pass on Python 2.
* New upstream release.
* Drop mathjax_on_demand.diff, applied upstream.
* Backport upstream patch to make search work with custom templates, by
moving language data into a separate JS file (language_data.js.diff).
* Adapt dh_sphinxdoc for the introduction of language_data.js.
* Override Lintian false positive warning about todo.py extension.
* New upstream release.
* Drop patches, applied upstream:
- 0005-Fix-testsuite-to-not-rely-on-return-types.patch
- 0007-Fix-spelling-error-in-manpage.patch
- 0008-Call-object_description-recursively-for-dict-keys-an.patch
- 0009-Ensure-the-set-object-description-is-reproducible.patch
* Refresh and rebase the other patches.
* Drop numbers from the remaining patches, use consistent naming.
* Do not copy .doctrees/ during docs build, it is now in source tree.
* Make test_math_compat pass with Python 2, by adding sphinx.ext.mathbase
toplevel import (python2_tests_import_hack.diff).
* Add a patch to load MathJax.js only on demand (mathjax_on_demand.diff).
* Update debian/clean to clean .doctrees, .pytest_cache and tests/build.
* dh_sphinxdoc:
- Remove mention of “non-English searchtools.js”, all language-specific
stuff is now in documentation_options.js.
- Warn about missing SEARCH_LANGUAGE_STOP_WORDS.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Remove obsolete section from debian/copyright.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Drop 0012-Make-generated-texinfo-files-reproducible-by-sorting.patch,
applied upstream.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Refresh 0009-Ensure-the-set-object-description-is-reproducible.patch.
* Make generated texinfo files reproducible (closes: #907352).
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.2.1, no changes needed.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Refresh patches for the new release.
* Directly use PyStemmer for non-English search (without the wrapper).
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.2.0.
* Pass --verbose to pytest, as now required by Policy §4.9.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Drop patches, applied upstream:
- 0011-Fix-5022-latex-crashed-with-docutils-package-provide.patch
- 0012-Fix-5048-crashed-with-numbered-toctree.patch
* Refresh other patches.
* Run “wrap-and-sort”.
* Recommend make (closes: #903260).
* Add back PYTHONWARNINGS=d, the pytest warnings have been fixed.
* Add a patch to remove use of external image from img.shields.io in
the documentation template.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.5, no changes needed.
* Rely on dh_python{2,3} for generating most of package dependencies.
* Export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 to make the build pass on the buildds.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Generate versioned dependencies on sphinx-rtd-theme-common.
* Switch to dh sequencer and pybuild buildsystem.
* Stop setting PYTHONWARNINGS=d. There are too many deprecation warnings
coming from pytest.
* Upload to unstable.
* Use the alternatives mechanism for managing scripts.
* Prefer Python 3 versions of the scripts (closes: #898009).
* Backport upstream patch to fix crash with numbered toctrees
(closes: #901769, thanks Robin Jarry for the bug report).
* dh_sphinxdoc: Fix for templates that do not use documentation_options.js
(closes: #901662, thanks Rebecca N. Palmer for the bug report).
[ Ondřej Nový ]
* d/control: Remove ancient X-Python-Version field
* d/control: Remove ancient X-Python3-Version field
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Backport upstream patch to support standalone roman module.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Support url_root in the new data-url_root attribute.
* New upstream bugfix release.
- Fixed crash with duplicated objects (closes: #896897).
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Refresh debian/patches/0003-skip_tests_network.diff.
* Set PYTHONPATH to $(CURDIR) when building our own documentation,
to make sure we are using the local version of Sphinx code.
[ Ondřej Nový ]
* d/tests: Use AUTOPKGTEST_TMP instead of ADTTMP
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Update autopkgtests to work with Sphinx 1.7 (closes: #895854).
* Remove setuptools from install_requires, it is not needed on Debian
(closes: #895738).
* Make python-sphinx depend on python-typing (closes: #895727).
[ Chris Lamb ]
* New upstream release.
* Pass -vv to pytest when running the testsuite.
* Patches:
- Apply patch series from https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/pull/4834 to
make the set output reproducible. (Closes: #895553)
- Don't use Google Fonts to avoid privacy breach.
- Fix "arbitary" spelling error in sphinx-quickstart(1) manpage.
- Fix testsuite to not rely on return types.
- Refresh and renumber all patches.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4.
* Add myself to Uploaders.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Merge 1.6.7-2 upload from experimental to unstable.
* New upstream release (closes: #890581).
- No longer bundles a copy of pgen2 (closes: #609485).
* Drop reproducible_epub.diff and text_section_numbering.diff, applied
in the new release.
* Refresh and rebase other patches.
* Build-depend and depend on python[3]-packaging.
* Update commands to build docs and run tests.
* All scripts are now setuptools entrypoints, update the code accordingly.
* Update debian/copyright.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Support standalone documentation_options.js files.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Use upstream sphinx-autogen(1) manpage.
* Set PYTHONPATH to current directory when running the tests.
* Set PYTHONPATH when running the install-js script.
* Make python3-sphinx depend on python3-distutils (closes: #893620).
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Update Vcs fields for migration to salsa.debian.org.
* Update debhelper compat level to 11.
* Backport upstream patch to add optional section numbering in plain
text output (closes: #872868).
* New upstream release (closes: #881923).
* Drop reproducible_dicts.diff and reproducible_htmlhelp.diff, applied
in the new release.
* Refresh other patches.
* Remove trailing whitespace from debian/control and debian/rules.
* Rewrite debian/copyright using the machine-readable format 1.0.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.3, no changes needed.
* Change python3.6-2to3 dependencies to python3-lib2to3.
* Backport upstream reproducibility fix for htmlhelp and qthelp builders
(reproducible_htmlhelp.diff; closes: #884010).
* Make python3-sphinx depend on python3.6-2to3, where lib2to3 is shipped
since python3.6 3.6.4~rc1-2. It will be replaced with a more generic
dependency later.
* Also build-depend on python3.6-2to3, to make the tests pass.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.2, no changes needed.
* Backport two upstream patches to improve builds reproducibility:
- reproducible_dicts.diff to sort dictionary keys (closes: #877637).
- reproducible_epub.diff to make EPUB generation reproducible.
* New upstream release.
* Drop cpp_no_assert and sourcelink_suffix_fallback.diff, applied in the
new release.
* dh_sphinxdoc: In singlehtml check, consider only HTML files that use
doctools.js (closes: #872863).
* Add a note that dh_sphinxdoc does not actually build the documentation
to its manpage.
* Backport upstream patch to fix wrong AssertionError in C++ domain
(cpp_no_assert.diff; closes: #877014).
* Backport upstream patch to make searchtools.js work with pre-Sphinx 1.5
templates (sourcelink_suffix_fallback.diff).
* Update dh_sphinxdoc for the above change: there is no more need to error
about missing SOURCELINK_SUFFIX.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.1, no changes needed.
* New upstream release.
- Fixes incorrect return status in sphinx-build (closes: #876048).
* Drop upstream_fix_crash_on_parallel_build.diff, applied upstream.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Turn warning about missing SOURCELINK_SUFFIX to an error.
* Change sphinx-common trigger from interest to interest-noawait.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.0, no changes needed.
* Use pkg-info.mk to retrieve the upstream version number.
* Use python3 to build our own documentation.
* Add support for nodoc build profile.
* Add python3-sphinxcontrib.websupport to build-dependencies for docs.
* Move sphinxcontrib-websupport from requirements to extras_require
in setuptools metadata (no_require_websupport.diff).
* Backport upstream patch to fix crash with new python2.7
(upstream_fix_crash_on_parallel_build.diff; closes: #869098).
* dh_sphinxdoc: Add support for singlehtml builds (closes: #872863).
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release (closes: #866789).
* Update dependencies for the new release.
- Drop python[3]-whoosh and python[3]-sqlalchemy build-dependencies.
They were only needed for websupport tests, now skipped (see below).
- Add build-dependency on python-typing (Python 2 only).
- Add suggestion on latexmk, it is now used for LaTeX builds.
- Add build-dependency and suggestion on imagemagick-6.q16 and
librsvg2-bin, needed for imgconverter extension.
* Update autopkgtest dependencies.
- Add python[3]-sphinxcontrib.websupport.
- Add python[3]-sqlalchemy.
* Disable one more test that needs network in skip_tests_network.diff.
* Move libjs-sphinxdoc package to javascript section.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Update debian/copyright from upstream LICENSE and AUTHORS files.
* Skip running websupport tests during build, to avoid build-dependency
loop with sphinxcontrib-websupport.
* Remove useless FIXME comment from debian/rules.
* Do not run tests with --verbose flag during build, to make the output
easier to read.
* Document the new --imported-members option in sphinx-autogen manpage.
* Drop Patch-Name headers, not needed with gbp-pq.
* Bump Standards-Version to 4.0.0, no changes needed.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Update jstests for compatibility with WebKitGTK+ 2.16.2.
Now the title property can be no longer than 1000 characters, so we
cannot fetch the whole page using it. Instead, we compute the needed
numbers with JavaScript and then fetch them using the title property.
* Update debian/copyright for upstream LICENSE change.
* New upstream release.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Use a better message for missing sourcelink_suffix, and
downgrade this error to a warning.
* Clean some files which erroneously got into the upstream tarball.
* Sync debian/copyright with upstream AUTHORS file.
* New upstream release.
* Build-depend on texlive-luatex, to make xetex tests not be skipped.
* Convert from git-dpm to patches unapplied format.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Properly detect sourcelink_suffix and use it when looking
for source and HTML files.
* New upstream release.
- Drop fix_xapian_search.diff, applied upstream.
- Rebase other patches for test system changes to pytest.
* Bump python[3]-requests dependency to 2.4.0.
* Switch from nose to pytest, following upstream.
* Update one number in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* New upstream release.
* Drop docutils_0.13.diff, applied upstream.
* Rebase other patches.
* Bump X-Python-Version to 2.7 and X-Python3-Version to 3.4, following
* Depend on python[3]-requests and build-depend on python[3]-html5lib.
* Build-depend and recommend python-enum34 (for autodoc extension).
* Drop texlive-generic-extra dependency, iftex is no longer used.
* Stop unbundling fncychap.sty (no longer bundled), iftex.sty and
newfloat.sty (no longer used).
* Skip test_meta_keys_are_handled_for_language_de, fails without snowball.
* Backport upstream change to fix Xapian search adapter crashes
* Skip tests that require internet access (skip_tests_network.diff).
* Update dh_sphinxdoc for upstream changes to document extensions.
* Update numbers in debian/jstest/run-tests for the new release.
* Move the new templates directory to sphinx-common package.
* Move the non-minified JS files to sphinx-common package.
* Add allow-stderr restriction for the sphinx-doc autopkgtest.
* Clean and do not install the sphinx/locale/.tx/config file.
* Backport upstream patch to add compatibility with docutils 0.13
* New upstream bugfix release (closes: #846149).
* Drop fix_autodoc_new_python.diff, applied upstream.
* Remove unwanted file sphinx/locale/.DS_Store in clean target.
* Relax the check in dh_sphinxdoc to allow different locations of
searchindex.js file (closes: #841141).
* Sort $(scripts) variable in Makefile, to fix a reproducibility issue.
* Backport upstream patch to fix autodoc failures with new Python 3.5
and Python 3.6 snapshots (fix_autodoc_new_python.diff). Fixes FTBFS.
* Drop build-dependencies on python[3]-xapian (closes: #842903).
* Add more tests dependencies to the autopkgtests.
* Update dh_sphinxdoc manpage for the latest changes (closes: #836248).
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Stop running jstest during build (but still run it in the autopkgtest).
* Update debian/watch to track only stable versions.
* Make dh_sphinxdoc generate ${sphinxdoc:Built-Using} substvar (closes:
* Call dh_strip_nondeterminism during build.
* Build-depend on python3-xapian again, now it is in unstable.
* New upstream bugfix release (closes: #835026).
* Bump python[3]-six dependency to 1.5, following upstream.
* dh_sphinxdoc: Include the list of packages in the error message about
documentation not found (closes: #833799).
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Drop upstream patches:
- fix_ltz_utcoffset.diff
- latex_code_robust.diff
* Backport upstream patch (latex_code_robust.diff) to fix the \code
command in generated LaTeX files (closes: #829118).
* Update Python 2 autopkgtest to not run tests that require Python 3.
* Add a patch to fix return type of LocalTimeZone.utcoffset when
SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is set (fix_ltz_utcoffset.diff).
* New upstream bugfix release.
- Autodoc now removes all memory addresses (closes: #822197).
* Drop python3-xapian build-dependency for unstable upload: it is not
yet available in unstable.
* Build-depend on graphviz so that the corresponding tests are not
* Do not install the bundled TeX files from texinput directory:
- fncychap.sty (available in texlive-latex-extra)
- iftex.sty (available in texlive-generic-extra)
- needspace.sty (available in texlive-latex-extra)
- newfloat.sty (available in texlive-latex-recommended)
* Suggest texlive-generic-extra instead (the other packages are already in
the Suggests list).
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Drop the following patches, applied upstream:
- 0004-Extend-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH-support.patch
- 0005-Adapt-to-typing-private-API-change-in-Python-3.5.2.patch
- 0006-Make-custom-compile_catalog-command-work-with-Babel-.patch
- 0007-Load-compatibility-patch-for-LuaTeX-0.85.patch
- 0008-Make-Xapian-search-work-with-Python-3.patch
* Add Takeshi KOMIYA’s signing key to debian/upstream/signing-key.asc.
* Bump version number in sphinx-autogen manpage.
* Build-depend on texlive-generic-extra (for iftex package).
* Add a patch to make Xapian search tests pass with Python 3.
* New upstream release (closes: #824375).
* Drop the following patches, applied upstream:
- disable_distribute_setup.diff
- source_date_epoch.diff
- reproducible_grammar.diff
- reproducible_inventory.diff
- reproducible_js_locale.diff
- reproducible_searchindex.diff
* Refresh and rebase other patches.
* Update debian/watch to correctly mangle upstream alpha releases.
* Demote sphinx-rtd-theme to Suggests, it has become optional.
* Add dependency on python[3]-imagesize packages.
* Bump Pygments build- and test dependencies to 2.1.1.
* Demote python-sphinx recommendation of sphinx-doc to a suggestion.
* Refactor the command to run tests to better match upstream.
* Build-depend on dvipng to get the pngmath test run.
* Update numbers in jstest/run-tests for the new version.
* Add a patch from Alexis Bienvenüe to extend SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH support
(closes: #820895).
* Add a patch to fix a typing-related test failure with Python 3.5.2.
* Update debian/copyright based on upstream LICENSE and AUTHORS files.
* Add a patch to make compile_catalog code work with python-babel 2.3.
* Add a patch to support LuaTeX 0.85.
* Build-depend on texlive-luatex for tests.
* Adapt dh-sphinxdoc/install-js for doctools.js changes.
* Update sphinx-autogen manpage.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8, no changes needed.
* Build-depend on python3-xapian (closes: #649488).
* Use implementation of jstest from Iain Lane in hope it succeeds on
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Port jstest to WebKit2 (closes: #814909).
* Remove the now obsolete debian/TODO file.
* Update debian/source/lintian-overrides for new Lintian versions.
* Use https in Vcs-Git field.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.7, no changes needed.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Build-depend on Pygments 2.1, the testsuite now requires it.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Clean and ignore auto-generated files.
* jstest.py: Add gi.require_version() calls to fix warnings from PyGI.
* Bump version number in sphinx-autogen manpage.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* New upstream release.
* Drop the following patches, applied upstream:
- py35compat.diff
- no_theme_rename_warning.diff
- addto_only_babel.diff
- print_help.diff
- compat_css.diff
* Refresh and rebase other patches.
* Stop exporting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in debian/rules.
Debhelper does it automatically since version 9.20151004.
* Update sphinx-autogen.1 man page.
* Do not fail on removing SOURCES.txt file when it does not exist.
Fixes build with dh-python ≥ 2.20151103.
* Make libjs-sphinxdoc depend on libjs-jquery ≥ 1.11.1 and libjs-underscore
≥ 1.3.1, as these are the versions used by upstream.
* Fix command in autopkgtests to make them pass.
* Update Vcs fields for Git migration.
* Update reproducibility patches to the latest version from Val Lorentz:
- Update reproducible_grammar.diff.
- Make searchindex generation deterministic (reproducible_searchindex.diff).
* Fix remaining reproducibility issues (closes: #795976):
- Export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in debian/rules.
- Set PYTHONHASHSEED=0 when generating grammar files.
- Make grammar generation deterministic (reproducible_grammar.diff).
- Make inventory generation deterministic (reproducible_inventory.diff).
- Make JavaScript locales deterministic (reproducible_js_locale.diff).
Many thanks to Val Lorentz for the patches.
* Drop XS-Testsuite header, no longer needed with dpkg ≥ 1.17.11.
* Fix message when calling sphinx-build without arguments
(print_help.diff; closes: #792715).
* Add compatibility default.css file (compat_css.diff).
* Upload to unstable.
* Update debian/TODO with the actual information.
* Backport upstream patch to disable warning about renamed default theme
* Backport upstream patch to not insert babel-specific code to generated
LaTeX files when babel is not in use (addto_only_babel.diff).
* Add support for $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable, to make
the documentation builds reproducible (source_date_epoch.diff).
* dh_sphinxdoc: Symlink css3-mediaqueries.js, thanks to Jakub Wilk
for the patch (closes: #793045).
* dh_sphinxdoc: Add support for symlinking files specific to the RTD
theme (closes: #781849).
* Bump version number in sphinx-autogen manpage.
* Drop initialize_autodoc.diff, the bug seems to be fixed differently
* Update bug URL in a comment in debian/rules for move to GitHub.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* debian/patches/no_snowballstemmer.diff: Exclude snowballstemmer
from setup.py and egg-info requirements.
* Move the signing keys to debian/upstream/signing-key.asc.
[ Barry Warsaw ]
* debian/patches/py35compat.diff: Python 3.5 compatibility.
[ Helmut Grohne ]
* Mark libjs-sphinxdoc Multi-Arch: foreign (closes: #779458).
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* New upstream release.
- The codebase now works with Python 3 with no need to run 2to3.
- Output is now reproducible (closes: #776443).
* Remove patches:
- python3_test_build_dir.diff (no longer needed)
- parallel_2to3.diff (no longer needed)
- fix_latex_hlines.diff (applied upstream)
* Bump required versions of python, docutils and pygments.
* Build-depend and depend on:
- python[3]-six
- python[3]-babel
- python[3]-sphinx-rtd-theme
- python[3]-alabaster
* Add python[3]-mock to build-dependencies and test dependencies.
* Use upstream tarball, which now contains non-minified versions of
jquery.js and underscore.js.
* Update debian/watch to use pypi.debian.net redirector.
* Simplify debian/rules:
- Adjust for using upstream tarballs.
- Do not mention site-packages anymore.
* Update JS tests for the new version.
* Add a patch to skip JS libraries versions check.
* Drop 2to3 call from debian/tests/python3-sphinx.
* Properly clean up after running tests.
* Bring debian/copyright in sync with upstream AUTHORS file.
* Disable snowballstemmer-based search until upstream implements
it correctly (without JS blobs) and we get snowballstemmer packaged.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6, no changes needed.
* Override lintian false positive warnings about missing sources for
minified files (jquery.js, underscore.js, and css3-mediaqueries.js).
* debian/dh-sphinxdoc/install-js: Update list of files to be installed.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Drop websupport_todo.diff, applied upstream.
* Update date and version in sphinx-autogen.1.
* Add Takayuki Shimizukawa’s signing key to upstream-signing-key.pgp.
* Replace links to online docutils docs with links to packaged
docutils docs.
* Build-depend on python3-whoosh, now when it is available.
* Drop sphinxcontrib_namespace.diff, all sphinxcontrib packages
are using dh_python2 now. Break old versions of issuetracker and
spelling packages.
* Update my e-mail address.
* Override false-positive Lintian errors about sourceless files.
* Generate compiled translations using compile_catalog command.
* Remove obsolete Recommends: on python-simplejson and Suggests:
on jsmath.
* debian/patches/websupport_todo.diff: Make websupport work with
todolist directives (closes: #754408).
* Downgrade error about documentation not found to a warning
(closes: #745690).
* Cleanup dh_compress arguments.
* Export NO_PKG_MANGLE, needed to build on Ubuntu.
* Update version number and URL in sphinx-autogen man page.
* New upstream bugfix release.
* Drop html_logo_path_fix.diff, applied upstream.
* Refresh and rebase other patches.
* Update numbers in jstest/run-tests to match docs updates in the new
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
* Backport upstream patch to fix writing table hlines in LaTeX writer
(closes: #732585).
* Add html_logo_path_fix.diff to fix path check for HTML logo,
backported from upstream hg (thanks James Cowgill, closes: #738741).
* Add missing xauth depencency for sphinx-doc autopkgtest.
* Move Grammar files to /usr/share/sphinx, the code still expects
that thay are in that location (closes: #736239).
* New upstream release.
* Drop fix_jinja_recursion.diff, applied upstream.
* Drop unversioned_grammar_pickle.diff, a different fix was applied
* No longer move Grammar.txt and Grammar.pickle to shared location,
upstream is now shipping different versions of grammar for Python 2
and Python 3.
* Backport upstream patch (fix_jinja_recursion.diff) to fix infinite
recursion when building python-numpy docs.
* Add explicit build-dependency on dh-python.
* JS tests: use WebView.load_uri() instead of deprecated open().
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream stable release.
* Drop fix_setup_command_test.diff, applied upstream.
* Refresh sphinxcontrib_namespace.diff.
* Fix package names in Recommends: python(3)-imaging → python(3)-pil.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5, no changes needed.
* Bump python-all build-dependency to 2.6.6-3~.
* Verify upstream PGP signature in debian/watch.
* Really switch from dh_pysupport to dh_python2.
* Remove unwanted files from python-sphinx package (closes: #726754).
* Remove useless imports in jstest/jstest.py.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* New upstream beta release.
- Correctly handles errors when repr()-ing objects (closes: #706581).
* Drop upstream patches.
* Refresh and rebase other patches.
* Add a patch to make sure setup_command tests can import sphinx module.
* Switch debian/watch to use HTTPS.
* JS tests:
- Port from deprecated static bindings and Python 2 to PyGI and
Python 3. Update the dependencies accordingly.
- Do not use web server, instead set a WebKit option that will allow
us to access files directly. Now the pages should load faster
(closes: #724472).
* Switch from deprecated dh_pysupport to dh_python2 (closes: #659196).
* Add XS-Testsuite header, and replace XS-Python-Version with preferred
X-Python-Version (closes: #685508).
* Add myself to Uploaders.
[ Jakub Wilk ]
* Remove myself from Uploaders.
* Export http_proxy= in debian/rules to prevent Internet
access at build time.
* Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.
* Add texinfo to Build-Depends.
* Add patch (fix_copying_imgs_singlehtml_builder.diff) to fix copying images
in the singlehtml builder (closes: #706563).
* Add patch (fix_globaltoc_and_hidden_toctree.diff) to fix combination of
globaltoc and hidden toctree causing an exception (closes: #706586).
* Add patch (fix_missing_citation_target_assert.diff) to fix missing
citation target causing AssertionError (closes: #706565).
* Rename skiptest_latex.diff as skiptest.diff; fix more cases when a missing
tool was silently ignored.
* Set Debian Python Modules Team as Maintainer; move myself to Uploaders.
* New upstream beta release.
+ Drop fix_nepali_po.diff; applied upstream.
+ Drop fix_shorthandoff.diff; different fix applied upstream.
+ Drop l10n_fixes.diff; applied upstream.
+ Drop manpage_writer_docutils_0.10_api.diff; applied upstream.
+ Drop pygments_byte_strings.diff; different fix applied upstream.
+ Drop show_more_stack_frames.diff; an option to show full traceback (-T)
is now available.
+ Drop sort_stopwords.diff; applied upstream.
+ Drop support_python_3.3.diff; applied upstream.
+ Drop test_build_html_rb.diff; applied upstream.
+ Refresh other patches.
+ Update integration tests for the JavaScript code.
+ Update debian/copyright.
+ Update debian/*.docs to take into account that README was renamed as
+ Update version in sphinx-autogen manpage.
+ This release fixes parsing C++11 “static constexpr” declarations
(closes: #693066). Thanks to Alexandre Duret-Lutz for the bug report and
the patch.
* Run tests under LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 to work around test failures.
* Make it impossible to accidentally build the source package with an
.orig.tar that includes jquery.js or underscore.js.
* Refactor debian/rules.
* When building our own documentation, run sphinx-build with the -T option.
* Use a dedicated script to extract JavaScript code for libjs-sphinxdoc.
* Add no_external_css.diff: don't use CSS files hosted on external sites.
* Backport upstream patch for fix compatibility with Docutils 0.10.
* Run 2to3 in parallel.
* Add DEP-8 tests for the documentation package.
[ Jakub Wilk ]
* DEP-8 tests: remove “Features: no-build-needed”; it's the default now.
* Bump standards version to 3.9.4; no changes needed.
* Pass -a to xvfb-run, so that it tries to get a free server number.
* Rebuild MO files from source.
+ Update debian/rules.
+ Add the rebuilt files to extend-diff-ignore.
* Make synopses in the patch header start with a lowercase latter and not
end with a full stop.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* debian/patches/l10n_fixes.diff: fix crashes and not working external
links in l10n mode (closes: #691719).
* debian/patches/sort_stopwords.diff: mark as applied upstream.
[ Jakub Wilk ]
* DEP-8 tests: use $ADTTMP.
* dh_sphinxdoc: ignore comments when analysing HTML files (closes: #682850).
Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev for the bug report.
* Add dvipng to Suggests (closes: #687273). Thanks to Matthias Klose for the
bug report.
* Set PYTHONHASHSEED=random in debian/rules and in DEP-8 tests.
* Backport upstream patch to fix encoding issues in test_build_html. Now
that this is fixed, stop running Python 3 tests under LC_ALL=C.
* Make “debian/rules binary-arch” no-op.
* Update version number in the sphinx-autogen manpage.
* Improve dh_sphinxdoc:
+ Fix the --tmpdir option. Thanks to Andriy Senkovych for the bug report.
+ Ignore references to JavaScript code that start with an URI scheme.
Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev for the bug report.
+ Strip query (?...) and fragment (#...) components from JavaScript
references. Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev for the bug report.
* Sort stopwords in searchtools.js. Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev for the bug
* Fix compatibility with Python 3.3. Thanks to Dmitry Shachnev for the bug
report and hunting down the upstream patch.
[ Dmitry Shachnev ]
* Update Homepage field to point to http://sphinx-doc.org/.
* Build-depend of python3-all instead of python3.
* Add DEP-8 tests.
* LaTeX writer: fix generation of \shorthandoff (closes: #672586,
LP: #997891). Thanks to Melissa Draper for the bug report and the initial
* Validate *.po files at build time. Add gettext to Build-Depends.
* Add fix_nepali_po.diff: remove Nepali translations that must have been
* Add pygments_byte_strings.diff: fix Unicode issues in
PygmentsBridge.highlight_block (closes: #660930). Thanks to Anton Gladky
for the bug report and the initial patch.
* Fix a typo in a patch description.
* Upload to unstable.
* Add skiptest_latex.diff: if LaTeX (or a required LaTeX package) is not
found when running test_build_latex, raise SkipTest instead of just
printing a message to stderr.
* New upstream release.
+ Drop python3_test_syspath.diff, applied upstream.
+ Update integration tests for the JavaScript code.
* Bump standards version to 3.9.3 (no changes needed).
* Don't run ‘python setup.py clean’ in the clean target (we nuke the whole
build subdirectory anyway).
* Move python-all and python-setuptools from Build-Depends to
Build-Depends-Indep, as it's not needed in the clean target anymore.
* Don't run dh_testroot in the clean target. There's a good chance that root
privileges are not needed (e.g. because binary target was run under
fakeroot), and even if they are actually needed, the target will fail
* Run tests against Python 3:
+ Add build-dependency on python3-nose, python3-docutils,
python3-pygments, python3-jinja2, python3-sqlalchemy.
+ Add python3_test_syspath.diff to fix Python 3 sys.path for the test
+ Add python3_test_build_dir.diff to hardcode Python 3 build directory in
the test runner to the one that the package uses.
+ Add test running code debian/rules. Don't use --no-skip for the moment,
as some required packages don't exist yet (see #647441, #647439). Set
LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 to work around failures under LC_ALL=C (see
<http://deb.li/H8ED> and <http://deb.li/3Rw0z>).
* Make the build actually fail if integration tests for the JavaScript
code fail.
* Don't remove *.egg-info in the clean target; add it to extend-diff-ignore
* Pass --no-guessing-deps to dh_python3.
* Upload to unstable (closes: #655637).
* Use xargs to iterate over all Python versions.
* Make sphinx-autogen initialize the sphinx.ext.autodoc module (hopefully
closes: #611078).
* Add sphinxcontrib_namespace.diff: create namespace package
‘sphinxcontrib’. This allows python-sphinxcontrib.* packages, both those
using dh_python2 and those using python-support, to be co-importable.
* Add various texlive-* and libjs-mathjax to Suggests.
* Don't install SOURCES.txt into binary packages.
* dh_sphinxdoc: produce different diagnostic message when unknown JavaScript
script is being ignored than when it's a fatal error. Thanks to Sandro
Tosi for the bug report.
* Make the get-orig-source script create temporary files in /tmp (or
* Revert all the changes to manual pages that accumulated over the years.
* Document that symlinking translations.js and non-English searchtools.js is
not supported (see bug #658238).
* Don't include websupport.js in libjs-jquery. Make dh_sphinxdoc remove this
file from binary package.
* dh_sphinxdoc: -X<item> should now exclude a file if <item> exists anywhere
in the path, so it can be used e.g. to exclude whole directories.
* Fix a typo in dh_sphinxdoc manual page.
* New upstream release (closes: #649048).
+ Drop autosummary_1.0.6.patch for the time being (reopens: #611078).
+ Drop docstring_parse.diff, applied upstream.
+ Rename disable_ez_setup.diff to disable_distribute_setup.diff.
+ Drop move_static_files_outside_site-packages.patch. Most of it was
applied upstream, the remaining bits are now taken care of in
+ Refresh other patches.
+ Update integration tests for the JavaScript code.
+ Bump minimum required versions:
- python-docutils to >= 0.7;
- python-pygments to >= 1.2;
- python-jinja2 to >= 2.3.
- python to >= 2.5.
+ Add code to install also JavaScript files that are generated at build
time. Add websupport.js to dh_sphinxdoc index.
+ Update debian/copyright.
* Texinfo output format is now supported (closes: #586747).
* Update version numbers in the manual pages. Add a build-time warning to be
emitted if they ever get out of date again.
* Build manual pages (except for sphinx-autogen.1) from reStructuredText
* Rephrase short package description, so that it's... shorter.
* New binary package: sphinx-common, containing manual pages, templates,
translations and other data files.
* New binary package: sphinx-doc, containing documentation.
+ Conflict with previous versions python-sphinx.
+ /usr/share/doc/python-sphinx/html used to be a directory, but is now a
symlink. Conflict with older versions of python-docutils, so that dpkg
can replace one with the other. Add lintian override.
* New binary package: python3-sphinx.
+ Both python-sphinx and python3-sphinx provide sphinx-* scripts. The
scripts have:
#!/usr/bin/python3 shebang if only python3-sphinx is installed;
#!/usr/bin/python shebang otherwise.
+ /usr/bin/sphinx-* are now symlinks and are managed by docutils-common
postinst/postrm maintainer scripts.
+ Make sphinx-common conflict with older versions of python-sphinx that
were shipping /usr/bin/sphinx-* scripts. Add lintian override for
+ Add build-dependency on python3 (needed for dh_python3) and
+ Add X-Python3-Version field.
* Improve debian/rules:
+ Run dh_install with --fail-missing.
+ Refactor the code responsible for moving data into a private directory.
Rename some variables to make them lowercase. Don't use CURDIR where
it's not necessary.
+ Make it possible to rebuild the package without running clean target.
+ Remove unneeded mkdir calls.
+ Use a for loop in debian/rules to install all sphinx-* scripts.
+ Run nosetests with --verbose --no-skip.
* Add build-dependency on the following packages (needed for the test
suite): python-sqlalchemy, python-whoosh, python-xapian.
* Use XS-Python-Version instead of debian/pyversions.
* Upload to unstable.
* New upstream release.
+ Drop fix_jquery_1.5_incompatibility.diff, applied upstream.
+ Drop fix_test_build_latex.diff, applied upstream.
+ Refresh other patches.
* Export PYTHONWARNINGS=d in debian/rules to enable all warnings in Python
* JavaScript test suite: don't hang if get_title() returns None. Thanks to
Ansgar Burchardt for the bug report.
* dh_sphinxdoc:
+ Fix a typo in the manual page.
+ Don't check for existence of source files if HAS_SOURCE is false
(closes: #641710). Thanks to Raphaël Hertzog for the bug report.
* Disable use of ez_setup in setup.py.
* Set myself as maintainer. Thanks to Mikhail Gusarov for his past work!
* Strip jQuery and Underscore.js from the upstream tarball (closes:
+ Add get-orig-source target.
+ Remove them from debian/copyright.
+ Add build-dependency on libjs-underscore,
+ Update watch file to deal with the +dfsg suffix.
* Unify multiple calls to dh_link.
* Use build/html as build directory for documentation.
* Add integration tests for the JavaScript code. They should allow us to
avoid bugs like #625208 or #628642 in the future.
+ Build-depend on xvfb, xauth, python-webkit, libjs-jquery and
* Add build-arch and build-indep targets to debian/rules.
* Add new tool, dh_sphinxdoc that aids shipping Sphinx-generated
documentation in Debian packages.
+ Update debian/rules, debian/control and debian/*.links to use
+ Use pod2man to generate manpage. Add dependency on perl. Update
debian/manpages and debian/clean.
* Move all JavaScript code into a separate package, libjs-sphinxdoc.
* Fix test_build_latex to not fail in a directory with special characters.
* Use debian/clean rather than listing files to clean directly in
[ Jakub Wilk ]
* Bump standards version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed).
* Bump minimum required version of jQuery to 1.4.
* Use python (>= 2.6.6-14~) as an alternative build-dependency to
python-simplejson. The latter package is only needed for python2.5, and
python-defaults 2.6.6-14 doesn't support it anymore.
* Include jQuery source (closes: #630973).
+ Check at build time if versions of both jQuery copies match.
[ Nikolaus Rath ]
* Backport upstream changesets a8b0ef275438 and de340a6098c7 to allow
extraction of function signature from docstring for extension modules.
(closes: #630409). The feature is disabled by default for the moment.
* When Sphinx crashes, show 10 stack frames (instead of a single one).
* Backport upstream patch to fix incompatibility with jQuery >= 1.5
(closes: #625208). Thanks to Tshepang Lekhonkhobe for the bug report.
[ Mikhail Gusarov ]
* Change my email address.
[ Jakub Wilk ]
* New upstream release (closes: #613207).
+ Refresh patches.
+ Revert changes to the autosummary extension introduced in 1.0.7
(closes: #611078).
* Don't compress objects.inv. Thanks to Michael Fladischer for the bug
* Remove *.egg-info in the clean target.
* Move pycode/Grammar.txt and ext/autosummary/templates/* out of
/usr/share/pyshared/ (closes: #609486).
* Stop embedding Python version in filename of grammar pickle.
* Ship grammar pickle in the binary package (closes: #613412). Thanks to
Frederic-Emmanuel Picca for the bug report.
* Drop preinst script to remove python-central leftovers; not needed
* New upstream release.
* Update and significantly rewrite manual pages (closes: #593623).
* Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
+ Drop README.source.
+ Refresh patches.
+ Update debian/rules.
+ Drop quilt from build-depends.
* Update debian/copyright.
* Use DEP-3 format for patch headers.
* Run tests at build time.
+ Add python-nose, python-simplejson and
texlive-{latex-{recommended,extra},fonts-recommended} to
+ Patch test runner to import modules correctly and prevent it from
reading files in /usr/share/sphinx.
+ Update debian/rules.
* Bump standards version to 3.9.1 (no changes needed).
* Add ‘set -e’ to a for loop in debian/rules.
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Minimum required versions bumped:
- python-jinja2 >= 2.2
- python-docutils >= 0.5
* move_static_files_outside_site-packages.patch updated
[ Stefano Rivera ]
* Improve language and clarify options in manpages.
* Add myself to uploaders.
* Fix formatting of the manual pages.
* Update and significantly rewrite the sphinx-build manual page
(closes: #593623).
* Bump standards version to 3.9.1 (no changes needed).
* Team upload.
[ Mikhail Gusarov ]
* Fix preinst script to correctly remove python-central remnants (Closes:
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release
- disable_ez_setup.patch removed, no longer needed
- move_static_files_outside_site-packages.patch updated
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4, no changes needed.
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Add preinst maintainer script to remove python-central leftovers; thanks to
Jakub Wilk for the report; Closes: #559572
[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
- added misc:Depends to the binary package Depends line
* New upstream release (Closes: #545042):
- handle error when using autoclass with a non-class (Closes: #537165)
- all patches refreshed.
* Use debian/pyversions instead of X[SB]-Python-Version.
* Add doc-base file for manual.
* Bump Standards-Version, no changes needed.
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #527538)
- add_missing_sphinx-autogen and rfind-invocation patches removed, no
longer needed
- move_static_files_outside_site-packages.patch updated
* Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.2, no changes needed.
[ Mikhail Gusarov ]
* Fix debian/README.source: s/dpatch/quilt/ (Closes: #523293).
* Add debian/rfind-invocation.patch, fixing breakage on python-werkzeug
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Install .mo files (Closes: #526027)
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release
+ depend on python-jinja2 instead of python-jinja
* Add move_static_files_outside_site-packages patch
* Build depend on python-all (>= 2.5.4-1) (py_libdir is now used in
* add_missing_sphinx-autogen.patch added (missing file will be added in next
upstream release)
[ Jan Dittberner ]
* add man page debian/sphinx-autogen.1
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release (Closes: #517735)
+ bump python-jinja minimum required version to 1.2
* Switch to python-support
* remove .pickle file in clean rule
* Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.1, no changes needed.
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* Upload to unstable
* Add debian/README.source file
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release
+ Closes: #507647
+ upload to experimental due to Lenny freeze, to ease testing rev.
* Add disable_ez_setup patch (and quilt to build dependencies) so that it
will not try to download stuff that is already installed on the system
* Add jsmath to suggested packages (Closes: #507691)
[ Sandro Tosi ]
* debian/control
- switch Vcs-Browser field to viewsvn
[ Piotr Ożarowski ]
* New upstream release (upload to experimental due to Lenny freeze, to ease
testing rev. dependencies)
* Add python (>=2.6) | python-simplejson and python-imaging to Recommends
* Remove .doctrees directory from docs/html
* Bump python-jinja's required version to >= 1.1
* New upstream version. Fixes bug with broken show-inheritance in
automodule (Closes: #492732)
* Urgency medium, fixes RC bug.
* Using jQuery from Debian package, not bundled one:
- Added dependency on libjs-jquery,
- Replaced jquery.js by symlink to /usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.js
* debian/control: sphinx is not compatible with python 2.3, so
XS-Python-Version: >= 2.4 (Closes: #490537).
* New upstream version.
* All patches removed, applied upstream:
- Removed quilt build-dep
- Removed quilt patch/unpatch targets in debian/rules.
* New upstream version.
* Standards-Version bumped to 3.8.0, no changes needed.
* Vcs-{Svn,Browser} added.
* Added missing python-docutils dependency (Closes: #482916).
* New upstream version.
* Fixed typo in package description (Closes: #479285).
* debhelper compatibility level bumped to 7:
- Updated debhelper dependency
- debian/rules: stamp files are removed automatically
* Removed empty debian/examples file.
* New upstream version.
* sphinx no longer bundles jinja in tarball:
- nuked jinja removal code from debian/rules,
- added build-depencency to python-jinja for documentation generation,
- updated debian/copyright, removing information about jinja copyrights
* Initial release (Closes: #474782)
* Added patch disable-sphinx-web.patch, disabling installation of
sphinx-web, which is not yet ready.
* Added patch add_shebangs.patch, adding shebangs in sphinx-build and
* Added manpages for sphinx-build(1) and sphinx-quickstart(1).
* Removed bundled jinja instance.