* debian/control,copyright
- use https for upstream URL
* debian/copyright
- update copyright year
* debian/control
- set Standards-Version: 4.1.1
* New upstream release
- add cMap/Adobe-CNS1/Adobe-CNS1-7
- update many cMap files
* include Identity-UTF16-H taken from ghostscript 9.21 as additional multiple
upstream tarball (Closes: #861363)
* debian/copyright
- add Identity-UTF16-H license (AGPL-3+)
* debian/{install,links}
- install Identity-UTF16-H as well
* update debian/source/lintian-overrides
* debian/control
- set Standards-Version: 4.0.1
* add debian/watch
* debian/compat
- set 10
* debian/control
- set Depends: debhelper (>= 10)
- set Standards-Version: 3.9.8
* fix debian/{postinst,prerm}
* debian/copyright
- fix upstream copyright as BSD-3
* debian/control
- make multi-arch: foreign (Closes: #794579)
Thanks to Helmut Grohne <helmut@subdivi.de>
* debian/changelog
- fix wrong Closed entry number.
* debian/postinst,prerm
- fix broken check (Closes: Bug#784901)
Thanks to Jack <debian@jack.fr.eu.org>
* debian/source/lintian-overrides
- add it to ignore some false-positive warning
* debian/postinst,prerm
- fix "command-with-path-in-maintainer-script" warning
* udpate debian/copyright to cover whole files
* debian/control
- set Standards-Verson: 3.9.6
* New upstream release
* debian/rules
- remove override_dh_builddeb, since package is compressed with XZ by
* debian/control
- set "Standards-Version: 3.9.5"
- replace "Suggests: fonts-nanum" from fonts-unfonts-core.
Thanks to Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org> for the suggestion.
(Closes: #739827)
* debian/90gs-cjk-resource-korea1.conf
- replace fonts as above change
[ Sebastien Bacher ]
* debian/links: fix 'janan' typo (Closes: #711041)
* debian/control
- set "Standards-Version: 3.9.4"
* debian/rules,install
- move installation from rules to install file.
* upload to unstable
* New upstream release
* debian/rules
- use default xz compression rate is better result than -z9 -Sextream
(Closes: #679774)
* debian/control
- improve description (Closes: #674569)
Thanks to Justin B Rye <jbr@edlug.org.uk> for help.
* debian/rules
- add "-Sextreme -z9" option to dh_debbuild
* debian/control
- add "Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.15.6~)"
- bump up debhelper version to deal with xz option
- remove gs-cjk-resource-6.0 and gs-cjk-resource-6.5 since it seems to be
private package or something, had never existed in Official repository.
- move gs-aladdin (<= 6.50-5) from Conflicts: to Breaks: to be more
Policy polite
* debian/compat
- set 9
* debian/copyright
- update "Format:" field to
* debian/control
- update "fonts-arphic-ukai, fonts-arphic-uming", not ttf-*
* debian/90gs-cjk-resource-*.conf
- import from gs-cjk-resource package
* debian/copyright
- update
* debian/control
- adjust dependency to work upgrade smoothly.
Thanks to Osamu Aoki (Closes: #674572)
- now this package provides functions of gs-cjk-resource,
so import "Enhances: ghostscript", Suggests and Conflicts from
gs-cjk-resource package.
* debian/dirs
- add "etc/ghostscript/cidfmap.d"
* debian/postinst,prerm
- import from gs-cjk-resource
* debian/compat
- set 7
* Upload to unstable with cmap-adobe* and gs-cjk-resource maintainer's ACK.
* debian/rules
- use "dh_debbuild -- -Zxz" to compress package with xz.
* debian/copyright
- fix "W: copyright-refers-to-versionless-license-file"
At that time, /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL seemed to be GPL-2, so
specify it as GPL-2
* debian/control
- change from "Conlicts:" to "Breaks:" and "Recommends:" to
"Suggests:" (Closes: #661865)
- set "Standards-Version: 3.9.3"
* Replace cmap-adode-* and gs-cjk-resource
* debian/control
- add {Conflicts:, Replaces:, Provides:} to gs-cjk-resource,
cmap-adobe-{korea1, cns1, japan1, japan2, gb1}
- update description
* debian/{links, dirs, install}
- add it to replace above packages
* debian/copyright
- fix lintian warning
* New upstream release
* debian/control
- Bump up "Standards-Version: 3.9.2" with no change.
* New upstream release
* debian/control
- Bump up "Standards-Version: 3.9.1" with no change.
* New upstream release
* debian/control
- update my address
- Bump up "Standards-Version: 3.9.0" with no change.
* New upstream release
* New upstream release
* debian/NEWS:
- improve "debian-news-entry-uses-asterisk" and
* debian/control:
- set "Standards-Version: 3.8.4"
* debian/NEWS:
- reformat it.
* New upstream release
- move from non-free to main, because of non-free part of CMap upstream's
license is changed, now it is distributed under BSD style one.
Thanks to Adobe!
- now add "Mapping Resources for PDF" as well.
(Closes: #548181, #558225)
- drop "*-RKSJ-H CMap resources", see NEWS.Debian file.
* debian/control:
- move it from non-free to main
* debian/copyright:
- reflect CMAP upstream (Adobe CMAP license) change.
- The cidToUnicode, nameToUnicode and unicodeMap data files are Copyright
Glyph & Cog, LLC and are under the GPL2 license
- new style format suggested as "Machine-readable debian/copyright"
* debian/source/format: switch to source format 3.0
* add "Adobe-Identity-0 (Special Purpose)", Identity-H and Identity-V file.
poppler-data upstream reject to add it, but this debian package include it.
* use debhelper7
* debian/control: delete "Suggests: libpoppler4"
Fix "Suggests on lipoppler4 should be dropped as libpoppler already
comes from poppler-utils" (Closes: #533263)
* debian/control: "Suggests: libpoppler4", remove libpoppler3.
* debian/control:
- "Suggests: libpoppler4|libpoppler3", now libpoppler4 is in unstable.
- Bump up Standards-Version: 3.8.1
* Upload to unstable.
* debian/copyright: fix "copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright"
* New upstream release
* debian/control
- add "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes", because I'm DM :)
- fix "poppler-data should suggest libpoppler3" (Closes: #496268)
- change "Priority: optional" from extra, same as cmap-adobe-*
- add some descriptions for cmap-adobe-* users
* Initial release (Closes: #451799)