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Changelog lmodern (2.004.5-6)


lmodern (2.004.5-6) unstable; urgency=medium

   * update VCS, my email, and standard versions


lmodern (2.004.5-5) unstable; urgency=medium

   * go back to source format 1.0, dpkg/quilt creates irrelevant
     directories in case no patches are available, breaking builds
     (Closes: #906762)

lmodern (2.004.5-4) unstable; urgency=medium

   * remove Florent from the list of uploaders, thanks for your work
     (Closes: #869308)
   * move calls to dh_links above dh_installxfonts to get proper
     X font installation, thanks Paul Wise (Closes: #905879)
   * bump standards version, no changes necessary


lmodern (2.004.5-3) unstable; urgency=medium

   * fix dh_installtex call (Closes: #814321)

lmodern (2.004.5-2) unstable; urgency=medium

   * drop dh_installtex call for fonts-lmodern, as all work is done
     via triggers, remove misc:deps (Closes: #814321)
   * bump standards version, no changes necessary
   * update vcs-browser field


lmodern (2.004.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium

   * new upstream release with new Latin Modern Math fonts (Closes: #799731)
   * remove Kohda-san from the uploaders, thanks for his contributions
     (Closes: #773958)
   * override license-problem-font-adobe-copyrighted-fragment, nothing
     we can do for now


lmodern (2.004.4-5) unstable; urgency=medium

   * fix another dangling symlink (Closes: #766155)

lmodern (2.004.4-4) unstable; urgency=low

   * fix more dangling symlinks (Closes: #708643, #706998)
     (I like it when people reopen bugs although there is a duplicate
     bug that they themselves opened ... seems to be fun)
   * remove C.M. Connelly from uploaders, MIA (Closes: #765325)
   * bump standards version, no changes necessary
   * add Multi-Arch: foreign


lmodern (2.004.4-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * fix dangling symlinks of docs (Closes: #706998)
   * upload to unstable


lmodern (2.004.4-2) experimental; urgency=low

   * move doc files into /usr/share/texmf/doc
   * build-depend on tex-common >= 4.01
   * bump standards version to 3.9.4, no changes necessary
   * adjust lintian ignore for new location

lmodern (2.004.4-1) experimental; urgency=low

   * new upstream release with another change of the naming of the
     math font
   * fix Vcs fields

lmodern (2.004.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * include lm-math opentype fonts: this superseeds the font included
     in 2.004.2-1, and also introduces a file name change
   * split OTF fonts into a separate package fonts-lmodern
     (Closes: #689580, #689581)
   * don't mention defoma in description anymore (Closes: #685120)
   * install a fontconfig file that makes the opentype fonts available
     and disables the type 1 fonts for fontconfig
     (Closes: #687940, #645841)
   * clean out cruft in the maintainer scripts, simplify rules file,
     update copyright, pre-generate all files, compat level bump to 9

lmodern (2.004.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * ship lmmath-regular.otf font that was added to the TeX Live
     distribution and is necessary for the default math font setup
     of unicode-math (Closes: #684157)

lmodern (2.004.1-5) unstable; urgency=low

   * upload to unstable

lmodern (2.004.1-4) experimental; urgency=low

   [ Hilmar Preuße ]
   * Use maintscript support in dh_installdeb rather than writing out
     dpkg-maintscript-helper commands by hand. Thanks to Colin Watson
     (Closes: #659608)
   [ Norbert Preining ]
   * fix maintscript to use the right version number for removing
     defoma config file
   * tex-common v3 build for TL2012, bump build-deps
   * bump standards version to 3.9.3, no changes needed


lmodern (2.004.1-3.1) unstable; urgency=low

   * Non-maintainer upload
   * Transition away from defoma. Closes: #649831


lmodern (2.004.1-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * upload to unstable

lmodern (2.004.1-2) experimental; urgency=low

   * dummy reupload to get a working build due to defoma bug

lmodern (2.004.1-1) experimental; urgency=low

   * use section fonts instead of tex
   * new upstream release without version number change, fixed some .fd files

lmodern (2.004-1) experimental; urgency=low

   * change section to "fonts"
   * new upstream version(s) (Closes: #469437)
   * this release changes font names and mappings, many things might break
   * debian packaging changes:
     - bump standards version to 3.8.3
     - bump dephelper compat to 7
     - conflict with context (<= 2008.10.31-1) since that still ships the
       patch for old lmodern font names


lmodern (1.010x-5) unstable; urgency=medium

   * add Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields to debian/control [preining]
   * Bump build-depends on tex-common to version 1.11 (closes: #466036, a
     serious bug, hence medium urgency).
   * bump standards version to 3.7.3, no changes necessary
   * move the homepage into its own field in debian/control


lmodern (1.010x-4) unstable; urgency=low

   * Update the location of the original download in the copyright file
     (Closes: #421998). [preining]
   * Use dpkg-query in lmodern.preinst instead of parsing
     /var/lib/dpkg/status ourselves. [frn]
   * rehash /usr/share/texmf-texlive since we do not depend on texlive-base-bin
     (Closes: #441526)

lmodern (1.010x-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Rebuild with tex-common 1.7 (closes: #419108).

lmodern (1.010x-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Upload to unstable, no changes to the package.

lmodern (1.010x-1) experimental; urgency=low

   * New upstream release (only changes the OTF files).
   * Install the OpenType font files, as they are useful with XeTeX (cf.
   * comment out, since it's only useful for
     compatibility with old DVI files, and these should now be rebuilt with
     the new font names.
     The next step will be to remove the backward-compatibility links
     (cork-lm.enc -> lm-ec.enc and similar, from compat.links). We
     don't do it yet, otherwise even uncommenting from
     10lmodern.cfg won't be enough to work with old DVI files.
   * Symlink the useful documentation files from /usr/share/doc/texmf/fonts/lm/
     to /usr/share/doc/lmodern/, instead of copying them. Add new lm-hist.txt
     and lm-info.pdf to these files.
   * Don't Build-Depend on recode anymore, since its use was removed in 1.01-1.
   * Update debian/
   * debian.control: add home page and mention the OpenType format in the
   * lmodern.README.Debian: mention the OpenType format.
   * debian/rules: ignore empty lines when comparing the monolithic
     with the concatenation of the encoding-specific map files.
   * debian/rules: don't compress PDF files.
   * Add the build-arch target to debian/rules (cf.
   * Add debian/TODO.
   * Shut up lintian about /usr/share/doc/texmf/fonts/lm/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt.
     Policy §12.5 says nothing about such files, and I think it's right to
     leave it there, as upstream wanted it.

lmodern (1.01-1) experimental; urgency=low

   * new upstream release
   * adding my Debian email adress to the Uploaders field
   * upload to experimental to not infere with the release of etch
   * add dependency on tex-common >= 1.1 to get a working dh_installtex
     --priority option


lmodern (1.00-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Updated Maintainer field to use new mailing list [jdg]

lmodern (1.00-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * debian/lmodern.defoma-hints: don't inherit the FontName property,
     since it is redefined for each charset supported by the fonts.

lmodern (1.00-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release.
     There are a bunch of new fonts. The new text fonts are lmdunh10, lmduno10,
     lmssq8, lmssqbo8, lmssqbx8, lmssqo8 and lmu10.
     The other new fonts are maths and symbol fonts. We don't register them
     with defoma, because:
       a) these fonts don't fit well in the defoma classification
          (GeneralFamily, Shape...);
       b) that doesn't look very useful (they support only a small part of
          ASCII, if any, so using them in applications such as text editors
          cannot be done without resorting to functions such as
          "Insert Special Characters"). OK, that might be useful for
          GhostScript... Since probably nobody uses that, I'd rather not bother
          unless specifically asked for this feature (having the maths/symbol
          fonts directly registered with GhostScript).
     The link to the Latin Modern wishlist web page in the upstream README
     file is now fixed (closes: #352949).
   * Use debian/ instead of debian/copyright.Debian (because
     the latter is confusing to me) and update it with the information
     shipped in LM 1.00.
   * The monolithic is incomplete in LM 1.00, therefore we use the
     more specific map files (, etc.). They are found and declared
     automatically in 10lmodern.cfg. In order to do this,
     debian/lmodern.cfg is now generated from debian/, where
     '@LMODERN_BASIC_MAP_DECLARATIONS@' is simply replaced by the basic map
     declarations (where "basic" means those that should be equivalent to if it wasn't incomplete; not lm-rep-*.map, nor the
     that we have for backward compatibility). This replacement is
     performed by two simple sed scripts: sed_scripts/extract-start and
   * Install a lintian override file for the inappropriate warning:
       lmodern: maintainer-script-needs-depends-on-ucf preinst
   * Use the "core X11 fonts system" expression in the package description
     and README.Debian (this is the one used in hw/xfree86/doc/README.fonts
     from the xorg-server 1.0.2 source package). Also, slightly update/trim
     these places about how fonts are rendered, because I think that with
     current X.Org, it is FreeType who does the rendering of Type 1 fonts,
     even when the core X11 fonts system is in use (although there is no
     antialiasing in this case, don't ask me why).
   * Use a build-indep-stamp file to avoid running the build-indep target
     twice per build (first time when "debian/rules build" is called,
     second time when "debian/rules binary" is invoked).
   * Recode MANIFEST.txt to have Unix-style line endings before installing
     it in /usr/share/doc/lmodern/. Add 'recode' to Build-Depends-Indep for
     this reason.

lmodern (0.99.3-4) unstable; urgency=low

   * lmodern.scale is back to /etc/X11/fonts/Type1/ because the location
     /etc/X11/fonts/X11R7 is deprecated (see debhelper's changelog for
     version 5.0.35 and bugs #366234 and #364530).
   * Build-Depend on debhelper (>= 5.0.35) because it seems to be needed by
     the aforementioned change.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.2 (the needed changes were already
     implemented in 0.99.3-3).

lmodern (0.99.3-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Transition from XFree86 to (Closes: #362330):
     - adapt the sed script gen-x-fonts-links-list to use
     - change the dh_installdirs line in rules
     - modify the README file for new location, and change to
     - build-dependency on debhelper >= 5.0.31, compat level set to 5
     - install .scale file to /etc/X11/fonts/X11R7/Type1, adapt the
       dh_installdirs call.

lmodern (0.99.3-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Use dh_installtex in debian/rules and Build-depend on tex-common
     (>= 0.16) for this reason.

lmodern (0.99.3-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New Maintainer (Closes: #335899).
   * New upstream release (Closes: #298194).
   * Move map files to TEXMFMAIN [preining]
   * Switch to dh_installtexfonts for map/cfg file installation [preining]
   * Add compatibility for lmodern < 0.93 [ralf]
       - adapted
       - cork-lm.enc -> lm-ec.enc
   * Add some explanation to README.Debian on textcomp (Closes: #348906)
   * Change preinst logic for clean upgrades from sarge. [preining]
   * Add a NEWS.Debian explaining the changes to font names. [ralf, preining]
   * Add to source package (not used anywhere; can be
     suggested to the admin in etch+1...) [ralf, preining]


lmodern (0.92-11) unstable; urgency=low

   * Set the Maintainer field to "Debian QA Group <>"
     in debian/control in order to orphan the package.

lmodern (0.92-10) unstable; urgency=low

   * Get rid of /etc/texmf/dvips/ for people who installed
     lmodern 0.92-7 in the same apt run that was doing the teTeX 2 to
     teTeX 3 upgrade (see bug #334658).

lmodern (0.92-9) unstable; urgency=low

   * This version is designed to work with teTeX 3, which was just uploaded
     to unstable. This brings conformance to TDS 1.1, a better way of
     registering the fonts with updmap (actually, we now have to use
     updmap-sys instead of updmap) as well as a few other changes described
   * No 0.92-8 version was ever uploaded to unstable, but versions such as
     0.92-8+tetex3+7 were used for tests and may still be installed on the
     tester's machines, therefore we jump to 0.92-9 directly to be on the
     safe side.
   * Remove tetex-bin and tetex-base from the dependency list
     (closes: #290001); in postinst, mktexlsr and updmap-sys are run only
     if they are available (this is now documented as the recommended
     scheme in the Debian TeX Policy). We depend on tex-common instead,
     which is quite small and necessary for reasons explained in the Debian
     TeX Policy.
   * Replace the explicit dependency on xutils by ${misc:Depends} (the
     previous versioned dependency isn't justified anymore).
   * Replace "echo -n" by "printf" in /bin/sh scripts, as "echo -n" is not
     specified by POSIX.
   * Mention in README.Debian that using non-OT1-encoded fonts directly
     with TeX is not convenient.
   * Update the comments in 10lmodern.cfg.
   * Update the FSF address in debian/copright.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 3.6.2.

lmodern (0.92-7) unstable; urgency=low

   * Patch {t1,qx,ts1}lmtt.fd so that the interword space is not
     stretchable nor shrinkable, just as in cmtt. Without this patch, lmtt
     is not really monospaced, which considerably impacts its usefulness.
     Closes: #295368.
   * Document that in README.Debian plus a couple of cosmetic fixes.
   * Small fix to a comment in the default version of 10lmodern.cfg.
   * Do not call try_to_update_fontmaps specifically at purge time anymore:
     it is already called at removal time, which should be enough unless
     the user is trying really hard to break his system (removes the
     package, manually recreates /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10lmodern.cfg, updates
     the font maps for this new broken setup and purges the package,
     leaving the broken configuration). This change will significantly
     speed up purges of lmodern.
   * Add some code in lmodern.preinst to remove ucf-related stuff for
     people upgrading from experimental versions 0.92-{4,5,6}.


lmodern (0.92-3) unstable; urgency=high

   * Urgency is set to high because since the changes in tetex-bin
     2.0.2-17, installing lmodern after tetex-base and tetex-bin would most
     likely result in an unusable lmodern package (until the next updmap
     run updating the map files under /var/lib/texmf/dvips/config/).
   * Remove "--outputdir /etc/texmf/dvips" from the updmap calls in
     lmodern.postinst and lmodern.postrm since tetex-bin 2.0.2-17 and later
     really want the generated map files to sit under
     /var/lib/texmf/dvips/config/. Without this change, installing lmodern
     would not affect the map files under /var/lib/texmf/dvips/config/,
     which are precisely the ones that are looked for first by the relevant
     programs (such as Dvips and pdfTeX) in the recommended configuration
     for tetex-bin 2.0.2-17 and later.
   * Adapt the comments in 10lmodern.cfg to reflect the new location for
     the map files generated by the updmap from tetex-bin 2.0.2-17 and
   * Fix a thinko in a comment from lmodern.postinst.

lmodern (0.92-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Slight rework of the debian/copyright file:
       1. the licensing terms for the Computer Modern fonts in Type 1
          format on which the Latin Modern fonts are based are now
          mentioned in an appendix to avoid confusing the reader;
       2. new short section describing the licensing terms for the Debian
   * Make the long description a bit more precise when explaining the
     differences between lmodern and cm-super.

lmodern (0.92-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release. The changes in this release that I am aware of
     are kerning corrections, as inferred from, which boils down
       I've just uploaded to dante:/incoming/
       it contains ver. 0.92 of LM fonts (corrected and added kerning)
     and a fix to AFM files (they used to contain an invalid keyword,
     "Generated", that is now properly embedded in a comment;
     closes: #243572).

lmodern (0.86-9) unstable; urgency=low

   * Improved README.Debian with respect to using the fonts under the X
     Window System ("xset fp rehash", how to debug font path problems,
   * The lmodern-x11 package that was created in 0.86-8 doesn't exist any
     more. As of now, everything happens in the lmodern binary package,
     including registering of the fonts to the X Window System. Also,
     lmodern moves back to the 'tex' section.
     [ All this because when 0.86-8 was uploaded, it was blocked in NEW
       during more than ten days, after which it was REJECTED. With respect
       to the rejection, James Troup asked me why I had split the package,
       which I answered immediately, suggesting two alternatives and asking
       which one he preferred. My mail was never answered. ]
   * Little speed-up in debian/rules: dh_link is now called only once per
   * Minor fix in debian/rules: in case the upstream 0info086.txt is not
     found in the expected directory, building without this fix applied
     will cause an error message to be printed on stderr but won't stop.
   * The XLFD names for the fixed-width typewriter fonts were indicating a
     proportional spacing instead of "character cell". Fixed.

lmodern (0.86-8) unstable; urgency=low

   * Updated lmodern.README.Debian with information on how to use the
     fonts with TeX-related programs, defoma-aware applications and X11.
   * lmodern-x11 explicitely depends on:
       - lmodern (>= 0.86-6) because this is the first version of the
         official Debian lmodern package (it might be that lmodern-x11
         doesn't work with the lmodern package previously distributed by
         Michael Wiedmann);
       - xutils (>= 4.1.0-12) because this is what Branden Robinson
         suggested to the gsfonts-x11 maintainer in bug #112140 (the
         update-fonts-{alias,dir,scale} programs in previous versions
         of xutils were not good enough according to him).
       ${misc:Depends} could be used to automatically get the xutils
       dependency, but according to dh_installxfonts(1), this would be
       xutils (>= 4.0.3), which is not recent enough.
   * The source package and the lmodern binary package are now in the
     'text' section (as is the case for gsfonts) and the new lmodern-x11
     binary package is in the 'x11' section (as for gsfonts-x11).
   * The dependency on defoma is (>= 0.5.0) because
     /usr/share/doc/defoma-doc/type1-multiple-encodings.txt says this was
     the first version to support multiple encodings for Type 1 fonts.
   * The build-dependency on defoma is (>= 0.7.0) because this was the
     first version to ship dh_installdefoma.
   * All the lm*10 fonts are now registered with defoma and made available
     to X (10 is the size that has the highest number of variants).
       - defoma registration only is not enough for X to see the fonts
         because X is currently not a defoma "client";
       - the X support is in a separate binary package so that the lmodern
         binary package doesn't have to depend on xutils (I think this is
         the reason why gsfonts and gsfonts-x11 are separate packages).
   * Added --quiet to the updmap calls in lmodern.postinst and

lmodern (0.86-7) unstable; urgency=low

   * Fixed a bug that would cause lmodern.postrm to fail if the following
     sequence of events happened: lmodern deconfigured, tetex-bin removed,
     lmodern removed or purged.
   * debian/rules clean tried to remove lmodern.preinst instead of
     debian/lmodern.preinst, causing the presence of a useless file
     (debian/lmodern.preinst) in the .diff.gz.

lmodern (0.86-6) unstable; urgency=low

   * First release of this Debian package for the Latin Modern fonts.
     Version is -6 so that people using the former unofficial package
     provided by Michael Wiedmann on can upgrade
     smoothly to this package.