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Changelog imwheel (1.0.0pre12-14)


imwheel (1.0.0pre12-14) unstable; urgency=medium

   * QA upload.
   * debian/control: added word 'mouse' to description.

imwheel (1.0.0pre12-13) unstable; urgency=medium

   * QA upload.
   * Migrations:
       - debian/copyright to 1.0 format.
       - debian/rules to new (reduced) format.
   * Using new DH level format. Consequently:
       - debian/compat: removed.
       - debian/control: changed from 'debhelper' to 'debhelper-compat' in
         Build-Depends field and bumped level to 13.
   * debian/clean: created to remove a file generated from the build process and
     forgotten by distclean.
   * debian/control:
       - Added 'Rules-Requires-Root: no' to source stanza.
       - Added Vcs-* fields.
       - Bumped Standards-Version to 4.6.0.
       - Removed no longer needed build dependencies dpkg-dev and quilt.
   * debian/imwheel.install: renamed to install.
   * debian/imwheel.prerm:
       - Renamed to prerm.
       - Explicitly add 'set -e'.
   * debian/NEWS: removed all asterisks, as asked by lintian.
   * debian/patches/:
       - Added a numeric prefix to all patch names.
       - build-system-update: dropped. This patch was created in 2010 (revision
         1.0.0pre12-9) to update the autotools files. However, currently, the
         dh_autoreconf do it automatically. Also, this patch will generate a
         FTBFS with DH 13.
       - 070_fix-spelling-errors.patch: created to fix some spelling errors in
         final binary and in manpage.
       - 080_fix-FTCBFS.patch: created to fix a FTCBFS because upstream's uses AC_CHECK_FILE to check for source files. Thanks to
         Helmut Grohne <>. (Closes: #901986)
   * debian/salsa-ci.yml: added to provide CI tests for Salsa.
   * debian/tests/control: created to provide a superficial CI test.
   * debian/upstream/metadata: created.
   * debian/watch: created.


imwheel (1.0.0pre12-12) unstable; urgency=low

   * Orphaning the package.

imwheel (1.0.0pre12-11) unstable; urgency=low

   * Revert mistaken punctuation changes in the last upload made to
     /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60imwheel_start-imwheel and
     /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf (except that 60imwheel_start-imwheel
     will still kill already-running instances of imwheel by default
     when launching). (Closes: #763850)

imwheel (1.0.0pre12-10) unstable; urgency=low

   * Remove needless quotes around variables in
     /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60imwheel_start-imwheel and in
     /etc/X11/imwheel/startup.conf. If imwheel stops working after
     upgrading, check startup.conf and remove/adjust extra punctuation.
   * Tweak 60imwheel_start-imwheel so that imwheel kills
     already-running instances of itself by default when it launches.
   * Bump standards-version to 3.9.6, and debhelper compatibility level to 9.
     Adjust the build-deps accordingly.
   * Re-jig debian/rules to enable hardening compile flags, and also clean-up
     the same file to address minor lintian warnings.
   * Don't install long-irrelevant 'extra' binaries in /usr/lib/imwheel
     (e.g. mdump). (Closes: #716176)


imwheel (1.0.0pre12-9) unstable; urgency=low

   * Bump standards-version to 3.8.4, and debhelper compatibility level to 7.
   * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format. Add quilt to build-deps, and
     convert patches to the quilt system, documenting them as per DEP 3.
     Tweak debian/rules to handle quilt patching/unpatching as well.
   * Add (misc:Depends} to debian/control.
   * Drop 12 year old EMACS setup commentary from /usr/share/docs/imwheel.


imwheel (1.0.0pre12-8) unstable; urgency=low

   * Update standards-version to 3.7.3, and debhelper compatibility level
     to 6. No changes.
   * Move Homepage from the package description to a regular
     debian/control field.
   * Don't ignore distclean errors in debian/rules.
   * Don't ship the BUGS file, as it's out of date. Also drop the README,
     as the manpage is more current and has all of the same information.
   * Change the default button spec for clarity. Since X now considers
     everyone to have a horizontal mouse wheel when numbering buttons, we now
     skip over four buttons before we get to the thumb buttons. Update the
     README.Debian to match, and add a NEWS.Debian entry to explain.
   * Revamp the default imwheelrc and manpage, mainly cleaning up and deleting
     references to deprecated options. Also edit these options out of the
     ouput of 'imwheel -h'.


imwheel (1.0.0pre12-7) unstable; urgency=low

   * Improve the last patch slightly, by once again allowing imwheel to be
     started without the '-b' option. Many people don't use this option
     since they are happy with the default ("4 5 6 7 8 9"), and therefore the
     last upload caused imwheel to fail to start for them. Now the old
     behaviour is restored, though if you do use the '-b' option, you
     still need to add the spaces between the numbers. (Closes: #359685)

imwheel (1.0.0pre12-6) unstable; urgency=low

   * Apply a patch from Thomas Liebetraut <> that
     allows imwheel to control more than 9 buttons. This requires that
     the button spec format be changed, however. Each button number must
     now be separated by a space (so "0089" becomes "0 0 8 9"). Update
     the documentation to reflect this change. Add a NEWS.Debian to
     explain the changes in more detail. (Closes: #203006)

imwheel (1.0.0pre12-5) unstable; urgency=low

   * Tweak the build system so that imwheel doesn't depend on libraries
     that it doesn't actually need. Also remove the xutils build-depend,
     which seems to be unnecessary.
   * Adjust the startup.conf imwheel defaults, to better match the most
     common case when using the new X.Org 6.9 or later.
   * Revamp the README.Debian so that users confused by imwheel breaking
     with X.Org 6.9 have sufficient information on the changes to be able
     to adapt and get imwheel working again.


imwheel (1.0.0pre12-4) unstable; urgency=low

   * Update my e-mail address.
   * Bump DH_COMPAT to 5. No changes required.
   * Remove maintainer scripts that handled old pre-Sarge upgrade issues.

imwheel (1.0.0pre12-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Add a prerm script that stops running imwheel processes. (Closes: #321924)
   * Grab minor fixes from CVS.
   * Split xlibs-dev build-dependency into parts.
   * Fix debian/copyright GPL address: point to GPL-2, not the symlink
     to the latest GPL version.
   * Minor packaging updates and cleanups to debian/rules.


imwheel (1.0.0pre12-2) unstable; urgency=high

   * New upload to force mips to try again; pre12-1 was never installed.
     Still urgency=high since pre12-1 never made Sarge.
   * Improved the readability of the upstream changelog.
   * Minor compilation fixes.

imwheel (1.0.0pre12-1) unstable; urgency=high

   * New upstream release.
     + Re-implements the -k switch in a secure manner.

imwheel (1.0.0pre11-2) unstable; urgency=high

   * Disabled functionality that allowed a nasty local exploit. Urgency=high
     so that this change makes Sarge. (Closes: #267829)
   * Xsession.d xmodmap startup script moved to the "examples" documentation
   * Updated the changelog using DEVELOPMENT.TXT on the upstream homepage.

imwheel (1.0.0pre11-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release.
     + Fixed infinite loop problem, triggered by Enlightenment under certain
     + Modified gpm no longer included, but it wasn't built anyway.
   * Slight change to the suggested (commented out) imwheel parameters in
     startup.conf (-b "0067" instead of -b "67"), which should make the button
     names in imwheelrc correspond to their purposes more often.
   * Xsession.d imwheel startup script now properly named.
   * Added an Xsession.d xmodmap script (not installed by default), to ease its
     setup, based on the example in the Xsession manpage.

imwheel (1.0.0pre10-1) unstable; urgency=medium

   * New maintainer. (Closes: #249533)
   * New upstream release:
     + No longer segfaults when using "(null)". (Closes: #232353)
     + Patch to prevent "no ~/.imwheelrc" warning no longer required.
     + Fixes the reporting of window classes from GTK2 apps. This may
       require some users to reconfigure, since apps which had
       worked with "(null)" now need their specific window class.
   * Incorporates FTBFS-fixing patch. Thanks to Sebastian Muszynski.
     (Closes: #229409)
   * Scripts to run IMWheel with X automatically are now in place but disabled
     by default.
   * Many other minor packaging changes and updates.
   * Bump Standards-Version to

imwheel (1.0.0pre5-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * No complaining if ~/.imwheelrc is not found (Closes: #116055)

imwheel (1.0.0pre5-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release.
   * This is the "I swear I will close the stale bugs". To $DEITY.
   * Upstream added autorepeat patch from Darren Salt
     <> (Closes: #173964)
   * Improved? Build-Depends.


imwheel (1.0.0pre3-4) unstable; urgency=low

   * The "I'm in such a hurry" release!
     Fix some stupid typo. Thanks to J G Miller <miller@yoyo.ORG> for his
     patience and reporting it (too).

imwheel (1.0.0pre3-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Fix setup-conf so that gpm works the True Debian Way (tm). I mean, no
     patched gpm daemon et all.

imwheel (1.0.0pre3-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Change section to utils (Closes: #145118)

imwheel (1.0.0pre3-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release.
   * Gcc recompile. Standards Version upgraded.
   * Honored Developer's Reference 6.3.2: "Upstream home page" and "Author".
   * Resized and "normalized" icon and improved the Description: field to fix
     lintian errors.
   * Updated config.* the lazy way. Bigger diff. Less fuss: Added Build-Depends
     on automake for the updated "missing" file and autotools-dev for the
     updated config.* files.
   * Changed the Section: field to utils. Will close bug soon.
   * Fixed upstream email address all around.
   * Improved dirs, docs and copyright file.


imwheel (1.0.0pre1-3) unstable; urgency=low

   * Change README.Debian to reflect new location of docs: /usr/share/doc/.
     Thanks to David Martinez CSIC RedIRIS <> for
     pointing it out.


imwheel (1.0.0pre1-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Updated upstreams contact info, url and email.
   * No answer from submitter (Closes: #63722).
   * Updated Standards version, and required debhelper version.

imwheel (1.0.0pre1-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New maintainer (Closes: #123517).
   * Implemented debug in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS.
   * Upgraded Standards-Version: to and DH_COMPAT to 3.
   * Added more useful docs (Closes: #81458).
   * Some packages handle wheelmice on their own:
     - Excluded Mozilla (Closes: #69744).
     - Excluded Galeon  (Closes: #117722).
     - Commented out emacs (Closes: #116702).
   * Fixed manpage to reflect correct conffile location (Closes: #122516).
   * Will not build the patched gpm daemon or remove its existence from the
     docs. See README.Debian (Closes: #60224, #58481).
   * Removed conffiles, no longer needed.

imwheel (0.9.9pre5-2.1) unstable; urgency=low

   * Non-maintainer upload.
   * debian/rules: Pass --prefix to configure to avoid it installing into
     /usr/local if imwheel isn't on the build system (closes: #104307).
   * debian/rules: Also use --mandir to force /usr/share/man, and remove
     redundant call to dh_installmanpages (closes: #91178).
   * debian/control: Add build-dependencies. Policy version 3.1.1.
   * debian/copyright: Update GPL pointer.


imwheel (0.9.9pre5-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Added rm -f mdetect/mdetect to build process; otherwise, the supplied
     binary wasn't rebuilt, causing problems building the package on
     architectures other than i386. Closes: #71443.
     Also added the mdetect/mice directory to /usr/lib/imwheel.

imwheel (0.9.9pre5-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release (Closes: #36828, #62346). No really major changes,
     except a security fix (buffer overflow exploit), which didn't affect us
     too badly because we never had imwheel setuid anyway.
   * The security exploit mentioned above was fixed in an NMU by
     Wichert Akkerman <>; this is the next official release, so
     Closes: #63720.
   * Added some more stuff to the default imwheelrc:
     - support for gnome-terminal (thanks to danny <>,
       Closes: #68683).


imwheel (0.9.6-2) unstable; urgency=low

   * Changed maintainer address to use my address.
   * Fixed address of imwheel homepage in copyright file.
   * Removed debian/imwheel.1, since upstream now has a manpage.
   * Fixed doc dirs. Now lintian clean.

imwheel (0.9.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release.

imwheel (0.9.5-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * New upstream release.
   * First version uploaded to debian.


imwheel (0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low

   * Initial Release.