gnome-console (42~beta-1) unstable; urgency=medium [ Arnaud Ferraris ] * New upstream release. * debian: rename package to gnome-console. Upstream package became a GNOME core application and got renamed to `Console` in the process. This commit acknowledges this move by: - renaming the Debian package to `gnome-console` - replacing all occurrences of "Kings Cross" with "Console" - pointing to the new upstream URL - adding a transitional package for smooth upgrades - update copyright entries for renamed files * d/patches: drop obsolete patch. Upstream doesn't build a shared library anymore, making our patch obsolete as it solved a reproducibility issue affecting this exact shared library. * d/rules: drop pkg.kgx.generic build profile. Upstream used to provide a "generic" build profile with a different icon and application name than what was used for "regular" builds. This is no longer an option, and as such we can drop our corresponding `pkg.kgx.generic` build profile. * d/control: update build dependencies. Upstream bumped the required versions for some of the build dependencies, this commit makes sure our package has the same requirements. * debian: fix handling pre-release version numbers. Upstream releases beta versions with a `.beta` suffix (and similar suffixes are likely to be expected for alpha and rc versions). This commit adds the necessary bits to both our `watch` and `gbp.conf` files in order to properly deal with such version numbers in conformity with the Debian policy. * debian: build Nautilus extension. Console provides an optional extension for Nautilus. In order to build it and package it as `nautilus-extension-gnome-console`, this commit adds the necessary build-dependency and new package definition to `d/control`, and also introduces the corresponding `.install` file. * d/patches: drop custom RPATH in executable. Fixes: lintian: custom-library-search-path * d/copyright: update and add entry for `po` files. Our `copyright` file was missing information about translation files, for which translators weren't credited. Fix this and update copyright file so the data is accurate and includes newly added files. [ Jeremy Bicha ] * Don't run build tests through xvfb * debian/rules: Don't manually set build directory * Don't Build-Depend on git * Update Vcs fields * debian/rules: Enable auto features. This force enables all the auto meson options. Otherwise, we could accidentally have features disabled because we didn't have a dependency installed. -- Arnaud Ferraris Wed, 23 Feb 2022 12:18:33 +0100 kgx (0.4.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * d/gbp.conf: remove the 'v' from debian tag * New upstream version 0.4.0 * d/control: fix Vcs-* URLs and update build dependencies (Closes: #993853) * d/rules: enable tests by default * d/copyright: update for new release and reformat * d/patches: remove deprecated patches * d/patches: don't set custom RPATH for private library -- Arnaud Ferraris Mon, 08 Nov 2021 13:02:24 +0100 kgx (0.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium [ Federico Ceratto ] * Set upstream metadata fields: Bug-Database, Bug-Submit, Repository, Repository-Browse. [ Arnaud Ferraris ] * d/copyright: add missing copyright entries for icons * d/control: change maintainer to DebianOnMobile team -- Arnaud Ferraris Thu, 17 Sep 2020 15:23:29 +0200 kgx (0.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * Initial Debian release (Closes: #956839) -- Arnaud Ferraris Wed, 15 Apr 2020 21:30:39 +0200