* Handle migration of conffile from wrong subdir (LP: #1701047).
* Team upload.
* debian/install:
+ Remove last component in conf install line (Closes: #853848)
* debian/control:
+ Updated Standards-Version to 4.0.0
+ Updated Homepage field.
* Bump debian/compat to 9.
* Drop dummy watch file and document it in lintian-override.
* debian/control:
+ Bump debhelper dependency to >= 9
+ Mark package compliance with Debian policy 3.9.8
+ Use secure URL for Vcs-Git field.
+ Use secure cgit front end for Vcs-Browser field.
+ Change my email address in uploaders field.
* Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.4.
* Use canonical anonscm.d.o URI for Vcs-* fields.
* Marked the package as multi-arch foreign.
* Remove unwanted debhelper comments from debian/rules.
* Remove ./ prefix from the path in debian/install.
* Fix the path for installation of 65-0-fonts-orya-extra.conf.
* Use absolute paths in debian/links.
* Team upload.
* debian/control:
+ Updated Breaks: ttf-oriya-fonts (<< 2:1.0) for correct upgrade.
+ Updated long description.
* debian/install:
+ Removed empty lines.
* This package is split from ttf-oriya-fonts