deja-dup-caja (0.0.4-0ubuntu2) wily; urgency=medium * Fixes namespace collision. (Closes LP: #1508353) -- Martin Wimpress Wed, 21 Oct 2015 09:34:47 +0100 deja-dup-caja (0.0.4-0ubuntu1) wily; urgency=medium [ Marcos Costales ] * Initial Release. [ Bhavani Shankar ] * Repackage the tarball. + Make debian/copyright compliant to the latest standards. + Set standards-version. + Use ubuntu address of the maintainer. + Tweak the description to be more specific. + Priority is set to optional. + Use dh_python2. + Use source 1.0 format. + Add a watch file. + Install README file -- Bhavani Shankar Mon, 03 Aug 2015 08:28:13 +0530