astronomical-almanac (5.6-5) unstable; urgency=low * take care of FTCBFS (Closes: #882459) thanks to Helmut Grohne for the patch + Let dh_auto_build pass cross compilers to make. + Do not strip at install time, defer to dh_strip. * debian/control: moved to dh 10 * debian/control: version bumped to 4.1.1 (no changes) -- Thorsten Alteholz Fri, 24 Nov 2017 18:08:52 +0100 astronomical-almanac (5.6-4) unstable; urgency=low * new maintainer (closes: #636405) * debian/control: moved to dh 8 * debian/control: version bumped to 3.9.3 (no changes) * debian/copyright: point to GPL with version * debian/rules: replace dh_clean -k by dh_prep * debian/rules: build-arch and build-indep added * debian/watch: fixed * debian/source/format: introduce 3.0 (quilt) * debian/patches: move changes in source files to patches * debian/aa.1: fixed lintian warnings -- Thorsten Alteholz Fri, 02 Mar 2012 18:08:52 +0100 astronomical-almanac (5.6-3) unstable; urgency=low * debian/control: move homepage reference to Homepage field. Bump policy version to 3.8.0. * debian/rules: update handling of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS -- James R. Van Zandt Thu, 14 Aug 2008 18:49:09 -0400 astronomical-almanac (5.6-2) unstable; urgency=low * rplanet.c: declare robject as static, so it doesn't conflict with the definition in aa (suggested by author Steven Moshier). * debian/manpage.1.ex: delete * /usr/share/doc/astronomical-almanac/examples/README: mention sample celestial navigation problem. README is now a shell script. * /usr/share/doc/astronomical-almanac/examples/: add solution of sample celestial navigation problem. -- James R. Van Zandt Mon, 9 Oct 2006 21:35:39 -0400 astronomical-almanac (5.6-1) unstable; urgency=low * Initial release (Closes:Bug#386034) * kfiles.c: default locations for and are in /usr/share/aa. look for initialization in ./aa.ini then ~/.aa.ini then /etc/aa.ini. Look for star charts in /usr/share/aa/ Look for orbits in /usr/share/aa/ * conjunct.c: Accept inputs from the command line (start and end time, event type). * aa.que, aa.ans: Look for star charts in /usr/share/aa/ Look for orbits in /usr/share/aa/ * dms.c: check whether fgets returns NULL. -- James R. Van Zandt Mon, 4 Sep 2006 15:13:08 -0400